

马晶 [苦涩] 2013-04-14 13:45:18 星期日 晴天 查看:127 回复:0 发消息给作者

This is the VOA specail english agriculture report.
Trees and plants are called ornermedels if their main job is to add beauty and intetrest to a garden. Dogeral trees for example are the popular ornermedel in some areas because of their white or pink blooms in the spring. Cherry and plant trees can also add beauty to .. even if they never produce fruit.
Ornermedel trees and bushes or thubs can server other useful purposes besides just looking good. Some also smell good that can be used to centered oils, for example, Levid and Lalak. Ornermedel can be used to mark the border of they property or to provide privercy from neibours. They can be used to hide trash cads and storage shades. Most ornermedels have the same needs as other plants. Water, motch, pulling for shape and inspection for pests. But Master gardener Bobs most of them take care themseleves after the first six month. Bobs is a .. .Years of experience  have shown him that people often decide to plant an ornermedel bush when they seen one in bloom. They might seen the yellow blooms on the for city of bush. One of the first sides of spring and decide to plant one. But he says, most ormermedels are better to plant just before their leaves open.
Some ornermedels and other plants are thought with their roots in the bloove derd, hell toghter with burlap. But David of the university of xx says more and more plants are grown in containters. They are easier to shape that way. However, it's maybe become in circled by growing around and around in the pautch.  So he advices to pull the plants out of the container. Then cut the bottom half of the root ball into four parts. This process is known as botter fly. The bottom of root ball will look something like the spead botter ways of the botter fly. David says, planing the root ball this way will improve growth. "It's a ...." He also advised againest letting thubs grow taller than four and a half meters. "Some thubs get to tall, it start losing the ability to produce good flowers."  In that case, your ornermadel plant might not be so ornermadel.
And that's the VOA special english agriculture report.

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