

马晶 [沧桑] 2013-03-11 18:00:22 星期一 晴天 查看:131 回复:0 发消息给作者

This is the VOA special english health report.
How many calories we eat appeares more important than what we eat when we eat too much. That was a finding of a new study that should be certified to anyone who counts calories for weight control.
More than one billion adults are over weight. The WHO calles obisity, a global apdemic. On Tursday, goverment researchers reported the latest estimates for the US. The good news obisity rates have not increased much in recent years. The bad news they have not decreased either. More than 1/3 of the adults were obise in 2009 and 2010.
Anyone who has effort try to lose weight knows there are all kinds of conflicting diet plans. Some tell people not to eat couble hidreights. Others say not to eat fats. Still others say to eat more protein or to eat less protein. Dr. Jodge Brain at the Plintan biological research center in Lowizana led the new study. He wanted to know if protein  in food affects weight gain. 25 healthy adults were in the study. They were overfat by almost a thousand calories a day overing end week period. Calories in food are a measure of energy.
One of those in the study was Denniel Koul. "I was eating a lot of real bottle frence,.. real woodcream and things of that nature that I don't know .."
The people followed diets with low normal or high levels of protein. Normal was defined as 50% of energy from protein. Dr.Brain says all of them gain the weight. "That storage was exactly the same with all free levels of protein. It was calories that they eat affected the body fat they stored."
The study found that those who eat a higher percentage protein get more lin body mass. The opposite happend on the low protein diet. "Your protein in takes low you acuatlly lows body mass eventrough you eating a excess amount of calories."
Dr. Brain tells his patients to weed themselves regularly. So they can know quickly if they gain weight. His study on protein, calories and weightgain appeared in the Joural American Medical Association.
Dr.Derish at the Harved School of public health studied the relationship between diet and conditions like heart disease and diebities. He says keeping a healthy weight, is not just about eating less that also about what you eat. "We don't need to go down less of avoid this, avoid that we can't in food place. It really actually most ..increases such as fruits, vegetables, hogrein, fish, vegetable else, and nuts." He says increasing the six foods by about one surving each day would reduce obisity and help slow the apdemic of the obisity related diseases.
And that's the VOA special english health report. 13:00

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