

马晶 [感悟] 2013-03-15 18:58:50 星期五 晴天 查看:142 回复:0 发消息给作者

This is the VOA special english economics report.
Space exploration's technologies or spaceX maybe a company to waltch in the coming years. This week, spaceX succesfully its forcen nine rocket from Kepknevro in Florida. The lauch vechicle and its reuseable dreigen capsal or carring supplies for the international space station. The cutdown sounded like this:" Three, two, one, zero. A lauch of the spaceX Forcen nine rocket has nice terms to the pravite sector to resupply the international space station."
The space agency's Jonge Diller was right. The national aeronotics and space administration is turning to pravite companies to provide services like bring supplies to the space station. Nesser offical Bill GersdonMayer spoke to reporters after the lauch. He said Nesser has already said agreement with spaceX for the company services. "We've already initialied the contract for twelve flights with spaceX going forward under commertial resupply services and those were already in place."
The contract is worth 1.6 billion dollars. Mr.Gersdonmayer said the US no longer pays Russia to carry out such operations. SpaceX is based in Hosen Califania. Ilang Mask started the company in 2002. But this is not the first company founded by the south African born bussinessman. He also started the international payment service, pay peil which is now owned by online auction store, ebay. His other company Teslemoters makes electrical cars. Speaking to reporter, Mr.Mask like an space tranvel to where internet technology was in the 1990s. At that time, bussiness were just starting to think about how to sell goods and services on the world wide web.
Today, billions of dollars in goods and services are sold online. But after the lauch, Elang Mask try to keep his attention on the job at hand. "I think right now our focuses very much on serving the international space station with coger and transtion to cuel. And then the ..state of our technology. I think that critical ..in rocket technology is to creat of a ..reusable rocket."
The dregon capsal is designed to be able to carry both astronauts and cargo. SpaceX says it has 40 lauches planed over the next few years. And contracts worth four billion dollars. It's says 60% of its upcoming flights are for bussinesses not the goverment.
And that's the VOA special english economics report.

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