
A poem got from Four Weddings And a Funeral

xinxinso [感伤] 2011-06-15 15:39:34 星期三 晴天 查看:44194 回复:0 发消息给作者
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, 把时钟停住,把电话切断 Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bones. 给狗儿一块骨头,别让它吠叫 Slience the pianos and with muffled drum. 把琴声凝住在低沉的鼓声中 Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. 把棺木抬出来,让送葬者进来 Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead. 让盘旋的飞机在头上呜咽 Scribbling on the sky the message: He Is Dead. 在天空上潦草的写着:他死了 Put crepe bows around the white necks of the public doves. 在鸽子的脖子上挂上蝴蝶结 Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. 让交通警员带上黑手套 He was my North, my South, my East and West. 他是我的南北西东 My working week and my Sunday rest. 是我作息的意义 My moon, my midnight, my talk, my song. 是我的日欢唱谈话的内容 I thought that love would last for ever, I was wrong. 还以为爱可以天长地久,我错了 The stars are not wanted now, put out everyone. 反省已经无用,让它们熄灭吧 Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun. 收起月亮,掩盖骄阳 Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood. 把海水抽干,把林木扫掉 For nothing now are evercome to any good. 从今以后,世上再没有美事                                                                                ——  W. H. Auden
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留住已经逝去的峥嵘岁月 记住曾经绽现的万种风情 在记忆即将淡漠的时候 来把这些重新回味

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