
the end of a road

秦虞 [感悟] 2013-05-19 22:12:43 星期日 晴天 查看:178 回复:0 发消息给作者

      After all, it came to an end.  The one-year strain, successful or not, depends on none other than the very one-time exams, which is sort of ridiculous.

      It's another college entrance examnation, except that i was more irritated and strained. Never did i feel so desperate. Never did i feel so urgent on the night before the politics exam. Leafing through the most difficult Japanese book in 80 minutes, cramming 25 questions right before the exam, perhaps I underestimated my potential. It deprived me of sleep and appetiet. Only by going through the whole process can I learn how much futile efforts I made. The really conducive work was in the last four and a half months. Before that, anything was just preparation for preparation.

      After all, it ended and i'm relieved, much relieved. I've tried my hard, if not best.  I've brought my limited capacity into full play, thus have nothing to regret. Once i thought such an perspective served as an consolidation, which, however, i totally agree now. Man proposes, God disposes.

      Sweetheart says she feels like the tune ends and the audience disperse. i don't have poetic sentiment like her so her feeling is beyond my understabding. or more it's because i don't have the same memory as her: no dormitory conflict, no romantic acquatance in library.  But we both fell in love with someone. she surpressed her feeling while i was distracted time and again, now tasting sweetness, now flavoring sorrow.

       This is an end as well as a beginning. The road of future extends in front of me. will it leads to my ideal destination? or is there no destination at all? what will be in store for me? 



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留住已经逝去的峥嵘岁月 记住曾经绽现的万种风情 在记忆即将淡漠的时候 来把这些重新回味

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