
South Park: Bigger Longer Uncut

崔臻 [其他] 2013-04-23 11:44:19 星期二 晴天 查看:402 回复:0 发消息给作者

South Park script

There's a bunch of birds in the sky,

And some deers just went running by

Oh, the snow's pure and white on the earth rich and brown!

Just Another Sunday morning in my quiet mountain town.

The sun is shining and the grass is green Under the three feet of snow, I mean.

This is the day when it's hard to wear a frown!

All the happy people stop to say "hello," Get out of my way!

Even though the temperature's low.

It's a perfect Sunday morning in my quiet  little mountain town.

Well, good morning, Stan! Mom! Can I have eight dollars to see a movie?

A movie? Yeah. It's gonna be the best movie ever. It's a foreign film, from Canada.

All right, here you go. But be back for supper! Thanks, mom!

Oh, what a picture-perfect child! Just like Jesus, he's tender and mild.

He'd wear a smile while he wore a thorny crown.

What an angel, with a heart so sweet and sure. And a mind so open and pure.

Thank God we live in this quiet redneck mountain town!

Dude! Dude, wake up!

Kenny, come on! (Coming!)

Kenny! The Terrance and Phillip movie is out. You wanna come? (Yeah, dude. Come on, let's go.)

Where do you think YOU're going? (To the Terrance and Phillip movie.)

You can't! You have to go to church! (But Mom, I wanna see this movie!)

Well, fine. Go ahead and miss church. And then, when you die and go to hell, YOU CAN ANSWER TO SATAN! (…Okay!)

You can see your breath hanging in the air. You see homeless people, but you just don't care.

It's a sea of smiles in which we'd be glad to drown!

(Don't you know? It's like a perfect winter day And that I'm glad I can say)

That's right! It's Sunday morning  in our quie tlittle white-bread redneck mountain ntown!

Bah bah bababah! Ready, Ike? Kick the baby!

Don't kick the baby. Kick the baby.

Ike! You broke another window! That's a bad baby! Baaad baby!

Kyle! We're going to the Terrance and Phillip movie! Oh my God, dude!

Kyle, where are you going?! Uuh. We're going ice-skating.

Well, take your little brother out with you. Aw, ma. He's not even my real brother. He's adopted.

Do as I say, Kyle!! Okay, okay, I'm sorry.

Look at those frail and fragile boys, It really gets me down.

The world is such a rotten place, And city life's a complete disgrace!

That's why I moved to this redneck meshuggeneh qui-et moun-tain town!

Ike! Bad baby!

This program is brought to you by Snacky S'mores, the creamy fun of s'mores in a delightful cookie crunch.

Mom, somebody's at the door! Coming, hon. Ey! I can't see the TV!

It's been six weeks since Saddam Hussein was killed by a pack of wild boars, and the world is still glad to be rid of him.

Oh, look, Eric. It's your little friends.

What are you guys doing here?! Oh. Sweet, dude! Yes! Yes!!

Off to the movies we shall go, where we learn everything that we know,

Cause the movies teach us what our parents don't have time to say!

And this movie's gonna make our lives complete, 'Cause Terrance and Phillip are sweet. Super sweet!

Thank God we live in a quiet little redneck Podunk white-trash (Kick-ass!) U… S… A!!!

] Can I have five tickets to Terrance and Phillip: Asses of Fire, please? NO!!!

What do you mean, "No"?

Terrance and Phillip: Asses of Fire has been rated R by the Motion Picture Association of America. You have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

But why? Because this movie has naughty language! Next please

This, this can't be happening! We have to see this movie, dude!

Aw, screw it! It probably isn't all that good anyway. Cartman, what are you talking about?! You love Terrance and Phillip.

Yeah, but the animation's all crappy

Wait, I've got an idea!

Uh, hi. I want six tickets to Asses of Fire.

This movie might not be appropriate for your little ones.

Hey, he says this movie isn't appropriate for you.

Look, Mr. Homeless Guy: If you don't wanna buy us tickets, and not get your ten bucks, and not go buy yourself a bottle of vodka, then be my guest!

Six tickets, please.

Let me have some candy, Cartman. Oh, let's see.Uuuh nope, I don't have any Jewish candy.

What, d'you really need all that chocolate, fat boy?!

Shh, the movie's starting!

Say, Terrance, what did the Spanish priest say to the Iranian gynecologist?

I don't know, Phillip. What? [Phillip farts on Terrance's face, and both get into hysterics over it]

Where do they come up with this stuff?

You're such a pigfucker, Phillip! What did he say?

Terrance, why would you call me a "pigfucker"?

Oh yeah! Well, fuck my ass and call me a bitch!

Oh, you shitfaced cockmaster! Wow!

"Shitfaced cockmaster."

Listen, you donkey-raping shiteater,- "Donkey-raping shiteater." Dobee babing sheeteater."

-you'd fuck your uncle! You'd fuck your uncle!

Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka! You're a cock-sucking ass-licking uncle fucka!

You're an uncle fucka; yes, it's true! Nobody fucks uncles quite like you!

Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka! You're the one that fucked your uncle, uncle fucka! You don't eat or sleep or mow the lawn; You just fuck your uncle all day long!

What's going on here?

What garbage! Well, what do you expect? They're Canadian.

Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka! (Uncle fucka) You're a boner-biting bastard, uncle fucka!

You're an uncle fucka, I must say. Well, you fucked your uncle yesterday!

Suck my balls

Dude, that movie was fucking sweet! You bet your fucking ass it was!

Fuck dude, I wanna be just like Terrance and Phillip! Hey, wait a minute! Where's your guardian?!

Huh? I knew it! You paid a homeless guy to get you in, didn't you?!

Fuck off, you donkey-raping shiteater! Yeah! Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka.

You're an ass-licking ball-sucking uncle fucka…

Hey, where have you guys been all day? Oh, nowhere. We just went to go see the Terrance and Phillip movie

You already saw it? How'd you get in?

Hey, stop crowding us, you shitfaced cockmasters! wow

Yeah, you're all a bunch of ass-ramming uncle fuckers! Ooo!

We have got to see this movie, dude. Terrance and Phillip are Canadian, just like my brother.

There's the girl that I like.

Hey, Stan. Tell about when Terrance called Phillip a testicle-shitting rectal wart.

Now, more than ever, she gives me butterflies. It makes my stomach queasy every time she walks by.

Asshole, I'm talkin' to you! I know I can be cool if I try.

Hi, Stan! [he vomits on her] Gross!

Come, Wendy. Let us try to jump the hilly brush. Who are you, kid?!

My name is Gregory. I just transferred from Yardale, where I had a 4-0 grade point average.

Wanna skate with us? We've been skating all morning, and laughing, and talking of memories past.

We saw the Terrance and Phillip movie.

Oh ho. Try and catch me, Wendy!

Bye, Stan

Yes, yes, I saw the Terrance and Phillip movie. Who wants to touch me?… I said, WHO WANTS TO FUCKIN' TOUCH ME?!

Come on, gang. We've gotta see the Terrance and Phillip movie, too!

I hate you, Kenny

Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka You're a boner-biting bastard, uncle fucka You're an uncle fuck-

Okay, children, let's take our seats. We have a lot to learn today.

We sure do, Mr. Hat Okay, children, let's start the day with a few new math problems.

What is five times two?

Come on children, don't be shy. Just give it your best shot.

Yes, Clyde? Twelve?

Okay. Now let's try to get an answer from someone who's not a complete retard. Anyone?… Come on, don't be shy.

I think I know the answer, Mr. Garrison. Muh muh muh muh muh muh, muh muh muh.

Shut up, fatboy! Ey! Don't call me fat, you fuckin' Jew!

Eric! Did you just say the F-word?? …Jew?

No, he's talkin' about "fuck." You can't say "fuck" in school, you fuckin' fatass

Kyle! Why the fuck not?

Eric Dude, you just said "fuck" again!

Stanley! (Fuck.) Kenny!

What's the big deal? It doesn't hurt anybody. Fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

How would you like to go see the school counselor?! How would you like to suck my balls?

What did you say?!

Oh, I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Actually, what I said was: "How would you like to suck my balls, Mr. Garrison?!"

Holy shit, dude.

Well, I must say I'm very disappointed in you boys, m'kay? You should be ashamed of yourselves!

Now I've already called in your mothers, but- You called my mom?     That's right. Oh no, dude!

Mr. Mackey, can I ask a question? M'kay, what?

What's the big fuckin' deal, bitch? Yeah.

Oh! N-now I wanna know where you heard these horrific obscenities, m'kay?!

Nowhere. Uh, we heard them from Mr. Garrison a few times before. Yeah!

Boys, I seriously doubt that Mr. Garrison ever said, uh, "Eat penguin shit, you ass-spelunker."

Hee hee hee, sweet!

Thank you all for coming on such short notice. This just isn't like you, Stanley.

What did my son say Mr. Mackey? Did he say the S-woid? No, it was worse than that.

The F-woid? Well, here's a short list of the things they've been saying, m'kay?

Oh dear God! What the heck is a rimjob?

Oh, why that's when you put your legs behind your head and have someone lick your ass!

Young man, you will tell Mr. Mackey this instant where you heard all these horrible phrases!

I… I… We can't tell you. We all took a sacred oath and swore ourselves to secrecy

It was the Terrance and Phillip movie. Dude! What? Fuck you guys! I wanna get out of here.

Terrance and Phillip? Those Canadians?? Excuse me, what the heck is "Terrance and Phillip?"

Terrance and Phillip are two very untalented actors from Canada. Nothing but foul language and toilet humor.

Well, I guess I'll have to send a warning letter out to parents before more children see Terrance and Phillip!

Everybody's fuckin' seen it. Eric!

I'm sorry, I can't help myself. That movie has warped my fragile little mind.

There's the girl that I like. Over there laughing with that smart ne-

Ey! You're holding up the God-damned lunch line!

Hello there, children!   Hey, Chef. How's it goin'?   Bad.

Why bad We got busted for swearing. Our moms said we can't ever see the Terrance and Phillip movie again!

Oh, that's too bad. You shoulda seen Kyle when his mom showed up. He was scared out of his mind, heh heh.

Shut up, Cartman! No, dude, I'd be scared too. Your mom's a fuckin' bitch.

Don't call my mom a bitch, you fat fuck! Don't call me fat, you buttfuckin' son of a bitch!

Whoa, children! Where did you learn to talk like that? It's pretty fuckin' sweet, huh?

Chef, how do you make a woman like you more than any other guy?

Oh, that's easy. You just gotta find the clitoris.

Huh?    Ooops! What does that mean, "find the clitoris"?

Uh… uh, forget I said anything. Move along, children, you're holdin' up the line!

You guys! Do you know where I can find the "clitoris"? The what? What, is that like finding Jesus or something?

Attention, students! We are now enforcing a new dress code at South Park Elementary.

Terrance and Phillip shirts are no longer allowed in school. Anyone wearing a Terrance and Phillip shirt is to be sent home immediately.

The R-rated Canadian film, Asses of Fire, is number one at the box office.

But is the film destroying American youth? Here with a special report is a midget in a bikini.

Thanks, Tom! It appears that the effects of the Canadian comedy are far-reaching, indeed.

All over America, children seem to be influenced. Like at this spelling bee in Washington.

Alright, this is for the silver medal: spell "forensics."

Alright, this is for the silver medal: spell "forensics." Yeahahah! Woohoo!

Here you go. [writing on slate] S-U-C-K M-Y A-S-S, [steps aside and faces the audience] "forensics."

Tom, the devastating impact of the Canadian duo can also be seen with their new hit song, "Shut Your Fucking Face, Uncle Fucka."

Shut your fucking face, uncle fuck-ah You're a boner-biting bastard, uncle fuck-ah

A-a a-a a a. Fuck! Thought I told you that we won't stop. Fuck! Thought I told you that we won't stop

Back to you, Tom. Thanks, Midget. Shocking report!

The controversy began in the small mountain town of South Park, where the local PTA is trying to ban the movie

With us tonight is the head of the PTA, Sheila Broflovski… Hello, Tom.

…and the Canadian minister of movies. Thanks for havin' me, buddy.

Minister, parents are concerned about your country's entertainment. Your thoughts?

Well, the film is R-rated, and it's not intended for children to- Well, but of course children are gonna see it!

Can I finish? The fact is that we Canadians are quite surprised by your outrage. You just don't care!

Can I finish? Hello? Can I-can I finish? The United States has graphic violence on television all the time. We can't believe that a movie with some foul language would piss you off so much.

Because it's evil! Can I finish? Please, can I finish?! [long pause] Okay, I'm finished.

But Mr. Minister, it isn't like this film is the first troublesome thing to come out of Canada. Let us not forget Bryan Adams.

Now, now. The Canadian government has apologized for Bryan Adams on several occasions.

You Canadians are all the same. With your beady little eyes and flapping heads. Yuh- you're trash! I resent that! I find that racist, and-

Our children are now addicted to your filth! You are a racist, ma'am! You are a racist!

It is going to take us weeks to erase the damage this film has done to our children!

Uh, kids, I wanna welcome you to Rehabilitation, m'kay?

Your mothers insisted that you be taken from your normal schoolwork and placed into Rehab to learn not to swear.

I must say, I don't think I belong with these rogues. I attended school at Yardale, and had a 4-0 grade point average.

You're a fuckin' faggot, dude

M'kay, you see children? This is exactly what I'm talkin' about. We have to get you off of foul language.

How are we gonna do that? Well, listen here.

There are times when you get suckered in By drugs and alcohol and sex with women, m'kay,

But it's when you do these things too much That you've become an addict and must get back in touch.

You can do it. It's all up to you, m'kay? With a little plan you can change your life today.

You don't have to spend your life addicted to smack, Homeless on the streets, giving hand jobs for crack.

Follow my plan and very soon you will say, "It's easy, m'kay."

Step 1: instead of "ass", say "buns", like "kiss my buns" or "You're a buns-hole"

Step 2: instead of "shit", say "poo", as in "bull-poo," "poo-head" and "this poo is cold"

Step 3: with "bitch", drop the t, 'cause "bich" is Latin for generosity

Step 4: don't say "fuck" anymore, 'cause "fuck" is the worst word that you can say. So just use the word "M'kay."

We can do it. It's all up to us, m'-kay. M'kay.

With a little plan we can change our lives today. You can change it today.

You/We don't have to spend your/our lives shootin' up in the trash, Homeless on the streets, giving hand jobs for cash. Follow this plan and very soon you will say, "It's easy, m'kay."

Step 1: Instead of "ass", say "buns", like "kiss my buns"  or "You're a buns-hole"

Step 2: instead of "shit", say "poo", as in "bull-poo"  "poo-head!"  and "this poo is cold"

Step 3: with "bitch", drop the t,  'cause "bich" is Latin for generosity

Step 4: don't say "fuck" anymore,  'cause "fuck" is the worst word that you can say.

"Fuck" is the worst word that you can say. We shouldn't say "fuck," no, we shouldn't say "fuck." Fuck, no!

You're cured! You can go!

You/We don't have to spend your/our lives shootin' up in the trash, Homeless on the streets, giving hand jobs for cash. Follow this plan and very soon you will say, "It's easy, m'kay."

It's easy, m'kay.

Now you're cured! You can take the rest of the afternoon off for personal reflection, m'kay? Find your own constructive way to better yourself, m'kay?

Well, Phillip, I hope you've learned something through this whole experience. I did, Terrance. I learned that you are a boner-biting dick-fart fuckface

Want to see the Northern Lights?

You burned yourself to death by lighting your fart. I sure did, Phillip!

This movie rules!

Man, that movie gets better every time I see it! Hey!

Yeah, but you know what? That whole part about lighting farts is bullshit. You can't do that. (Yeah, you can!)

No way. (Yes you can. You can too light a fart on fire.)

Okay, Kenny. I'll bet you a hundred dollars you can't light a fart on fire. (Yes you can. Check it out.)

Holy shit, dude! Ah! Oh my God! Hey! Aw, shit! Aw, shit!

Help! Somebody do something!

Ahh! This stick is on fire!

Oh my God, you killed Kenny! You bastard! Wow, I guess you can light a fart on fire, huh?

Load that IV with 70 cc's of sodium pentathol! We just called the parents.

Oh shit, dude! Now our moms are gonna find out we went to the Terrance and Phillip movie again!

Vacuum! Try to untangle his trachea and esophagus!

Dude! No! That doesn't go there!

Aw! Gross, Stan! That's sick!

Watch his liver.   I'll get it! We have precious little time left, people! We're gonna lose him soon.

Doctor, his heart stopped! Let's get it out of there!   We need to zap this, quick!

Who's making a potato? My bad, sir! I missed lunch.

Dammit! I'm not gonna lose this kid!

se him up, we've done all we can. The rest, is up to God…

Kenny, Kenny can you hear me? (Holy shit, dude.)

How are you feeling, son? (Like a sick animal.)

Great! Son, I have some bad news. We… accidentally replaced your heart with a baked potato. You have about three seconds to live.

(What?!) Ah! Fuckin' weak, dude! Oh my God, they killed Kenny! You bastards!

Dammit! It never… gets… any… easier!

I bet him he couldn't do it. I bet him a hundred dollars. Come on Cartman, it's not your fault.

No, I know. I'm just fuckin' stoked I don't have to pay him. Oh, that's real nice! He was your friend, you fat fuck

So, boys. You saw that movie again? Yes.

Well, Kyle, I have had it! You are grounded for the next two weeks! Grounded?

And you, Stan. Come on. And you're grounded for three weeks, Eric.

Ey, why am I grounded more? That's fuckin' bullshit!

Whatwhatwhaaat?! What was that word young man?!

Little boy at peace, what is this place beyond the stars?

Open up your eyes. What are these things you're moving towards?

Head so full of wonder Worries in the past Could it be that you are free at last?

Little boy, you're goin' to Hell.

You said bad words, threw rocks at the birds; now this is your hotel. You ain't goin back. This ain't Disneyland, it's HELL

Little boy it's time for you to pay For hurtin' that bird, and not goin to church, starin' at boobs everyday. Thought you were in bed, instead you're in HELL!

Hell isn't good, no, hell isn't good, yeah! Hell isn't good, no, hell isn't good, yeah!

Hey fuckface, have you seen Gracie?

There is orderliness in the universe.

Hell isn't good, no, hell isn't good, yeah!

Parents, our children are out of control! This is what happens when toilet humor is allowed to run rampant!

That's right. Kenny set himself on fire because he saw Terrance and Phillip do it in that dirty movie.

We must stop dirty language from getting to our children's ears We must go fight the source of it.

But what is the source?

Oh, that's easy. Times have changed. Our kids are getting worse. They won't obey their parents; They just want to fart and curse!

Should we blame the government? Or blame society? Or should we blame the images on TV?

NO! Blame Canada! Blame Canada! With all their beady little eyes And flappin' heads so full o' lies!

Blame Canada! Blame Canada! We need to form a full assault! It's Canada's fault!

Don't blame me For my son Stan. He saw the darned cartoon And now he's off to join the Klan!

And my boy Eric once Had my picture on his shelf, [shows it] But now when I see him he tells me to fuck myself.

Well? Blame Canada! Blame Canada! It seems that everything's gone wrong Since Canada came along!

Blame Canada! Blame Canada! They're not even a real country anyway!

My son could've been a doctor or a lawyer, rich and true. Instead he burned up like a piggy on a barbecue.

Should we blame the matches? Should we blame the fire? Or the doctors who allowed him to expire?

Heck, no! Blame Canada! Blame Canada!

With all their hockey hullabaloo And that bitch, Anne Murray, too.

] Blame Canada! Shame on Canada! For…

The smut we must stop, the trash we must smash. The laughter and fun must all be undone. We must blame them and cause a fuss Before somebody thinks of blaming Us!

All right, you turds, listen up. Your moms are away at a meeting, and they put me in charge of you.

But you're still grounded, so you're not allowed to have any fun. Any questions?

Shelley, where's the clitoris?

Now you all just sit there and keep your mouths shut, while I go listen to my Britney Spears records.

Okay, it's clear

Our next guests have the number one movie in the world right now. Please welcome Terrance and Phillip!

Hello, Conan. Hello, Brooke Shields.

Guys, some people claim that your Canadian humor is nothing but immature fart jokes.

That's not true. Take this classic Canadian joke for instance.

Excuse me, Terrance. Yes, Phillip?

Good one, Phillip! Cheers! Cheers, fuckface.

Guys, you can't say that on TV Now Terrance smells like my ass!

I farted once on the set of Blue Lagoon.

So, guys, does it make you nervous to be in America? There are a lot of organizations here that want you arrested for destroying children.

Oh, they'd have to find us first. You're right.  Now!

Terrance and Phillip, Mothers Against Canada is placing you under citizen's arrest!

Mom?? Dude, what the hell is going on?!

We have a court order for your arrest!

Phillip, we've been ambushed! Here you go, Conan.

This little scrotum-sucker deceived us! You are a bad man!

Don't listen to them, Conan. You loved our movie, Conan! We watched it together. Remember? You laughed.

What have I done?

Holy crap! Did you see that? They arrested Terrance and Phillip!

As the Canadian Ambassador, I hereby condemn the actions taken by America in apprehending Terrance and Phillip.

As you can see from this graph the entire economy of Canada relies on Terrance and Phillip. Without them, we are doomed to recession!

What say you, Mr. American Ambassador?

…Fuck Canada! Ey! Fuck you, buddy!

Terrance and Phillip will not be released. They are going to be put on trial for corrupting American's youth.

We don't know what all the fuss is about.

The fuss is aboot taking our citizens. It's aboot not censoring our art. It's aboot…

It's aboot… What's so God-damned funny?

N-nothing, nothing. Uh, could you tell us again what your argument is all about?

This is not aboot diplomacy, this is aboot dignity… [the American delegates chuckle] This is aboot respect. This is about realizing that humor is…

You guys are dicks! Release Terrance and Phillip, or we'll give you something to cry aboot!!

Pilot to bombardier! Pilot to bombardier! We're nearing the target! The bomb's ready, buddy!

Baldwin residence. No, this is Billy Baldwin. If you want Daniel Baldwin, call his extension, stupid!

Hey Alec, do you know what sucks about being a Baldwin? No, what? Nothing!    Yeah!

Ha ha! You missed me!

Hi, children. Your mothers are all making me throw away my lesson plan and teach theirs.

Mr. Garrison, how come our moms arrested Terrance and Phillip? Yeah! That's, that's gay.

Oh, well, your moms are just upset. They're probably all on their periods or something.

Mr. Garrison, Wendy and I think that was a sexist statement.

Well I'm sorry, Wendy, but I just don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.

Anyway children, let's start off with some vocabulary…

Attention, students, m'kay? Oh, what now?!

Come to the gymnasium immediately for a special announcement, m'kay?

What's goin' on, Chef? Something big, children.

Chef, I can't find the clitoris. You have to help me. Stan, the clitoris is a-

Please take your seats, everyone: they're about to announce it, m'kay.

This is a state of emergency. We go now to the White House for an announcement from the President of the United States.

My fellow Americans, at 5 a.m. today, a day which will live in infamy,

the Canadians have bombed the Baldwins.

In response to this, the U.S. has declared war on Canada.

Oh, no! War?

No! Gregory, no! Hoh, this is bad, Wendy. Hold on to me.

All the Baldwins are dead?

Now it is time for us to send a message to Canadians. In two days' time, the war criminals Terrance and Phillip will be executed.

They're gonna kill them?

And now, I'd like to bring up my newly-appointed Secretary of Offense, Ms. Sheila Broflovski.

Holy shit, dude! My fellow Americans,

our neighbor to the North has abused us for the last time!

I have a plan to-As commander in chief Canadians want to- -fight us,

because we won't tolerate their potty-mouths. Well! If it is war they want, then war they shall have!

Dude, this is fucking weak. How could things be any worse?

(Ow! What the hell? Wait!)

Fallen one, I am Satan. I am your god now!

(Oh my God!) There is no escape!

Now, feel the delightful pain.

Hey, Satan! Did you hear the news? A war just broke out up on earth!

Meet Saddam Hussein, my new partner in evil. (Huh?)

Move over, Satan, you're hogging all the fun.

] Yeah! Yeah! Man, this is gettin' me so hot!

(Hey, what the fuck?!) Saddam, would you let me do my job, please?

Hang on! Rub my nipples while I torture this little piggy. Nyeeh. Nyeeh. Saddam, could I talk to you over here for a second?

I don't see why you have to belittle me in front of people like that.

Hey relax, guy! Well, sometimes I think you don't have any respect for me.

Aw, come here, guy. Who's my creampuff?

I am. That's right, baby.

Dude, I don't wanna be at war. You don't think they're really gonna kill Terrance and Phillip, do you?

Kyle, you need to stop being such a chickenshit and stand up to your mother.

You need to smack her in the face and say, "That's enough of your shit, you fuckin' bitch!"

Don't call my mom a bitch, Cartman!

You guys, stop it! This isn't helping. We've gotta think here. Now, let's see. What would Brian Boitano do?

Yeah, what would Brian Boitano do?

Hey! What's going on over there? The American government thinks it has the right to police the world.

Your government is going to kill two Canadian citizens, an action condemned by the UN. Home of the free, indeed!

…Let's play tetherball! Yeah!

This is about freedom of speech! About censorship! Can't you guys be more political, like Gregory?

There's the girl that I like. Now it appears that she likes another guy

It must be because he's political and stuff; I bet I could be political, too.

What do you think, Stan? Dammit!

You guys, this is all Kyle's mom's fault. Shut up, Cartman!

Kyle's mom is the one that started that damn club. And all because she's a big, fat, stupid bitch!

Don't say it, Cartman!

Don't do it, Cartman!

I'm warning you! Okay, okay.

I'm getting pretty sick of him calling my mom a b-

Weeeeeeeeeellll Kyle's mom's a bitch, she's a big fat bitch, She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world She a stupid bitch, if there ever was a bitch, She's a bitch to all the boys and girls

Shut your fucking mouth, Cartman!

On Monday she's a bitch, on Tuesday she's a bitch, On Wednesday to Saturday she's a bitch Then on Sunday, just to be different, She's a super King Kamehameha bee-atch!

Come on! You all know the words!

Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom? She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. She's a mean ole bitch, and she has stupid hair. She's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.

Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch She's a stupid bitch! (Whoa!) Kyle's mom's a bitch And she's such a dirty bitch! (Bitch!)

Talk to kids around the world, And it might go a little bit something like this:

Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom? She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. She's a mean ole bitch, and she has stupid hair. She's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch

Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. She's a stupid bitch!

Kyle's mom's a bitch And she's such a dirty bitch!

I really mean it. Kyle's mom, she's a big fat fucking bitch!

Big ole fat fucking bitch, Kyle's mom! Yeah-tch!

what? fuck!

Okay, everyone, settle down.

As we continue to send troops into Canada, M.A.C. is also fighting the war against potty-mouths here at home.

Here to present the V-chip is Dr. Vosknocker.

The machinery of the V-chip is very simple. It is placed under the child's skin, where it emits a small shock of electricity whenever an obscenity is uttered.

Now uh, wait a minute. This chip somehow knows that the child is swearing?

It's just like a lie detector. You see, certain things happen to you when you swear, just like when you lie.

The chip picks up on this, and gives the subject a little prick.

Patient B-5, would you step out here, please?

Patient B-5 here has been fitted with the new V-chip. Ow, my head hurts.

Don't worry about that. Now, I want you to say, "Doggy." Doggy.

Notice that nothing happens. Now say, "Montana. Montana.

Good! Now, "Pillow." Pillow.

All right! Now, I want you to say, "Horse-fucker."

Go ahead, Eric. It's all right. Horse-fucker-aaagh! [bzzzt] Ow!

That hurt, God dammit-aaagh! Ow! Fuck-aaagh!

Now I'd like you to say, "Big floppy donkey dick." Nno!

Success! The child doesn't want to swear! This isn't fair, you sons of bitches-aaagh!

We will start putting V-chips in all our children next week!

Snacky S'mores presents, "The March of War."

Let's hear it for our boys in blue! President Clinton has called them to action, to fight the evil Canadian scourge.

A full-scale attack has been launched on Toronto after the Canadians' last bombing, which took a horrible toll on the Arquette family

For security measures, our great American government is rounding up all citizens that have any Canadian blood, and putting them into camps

All Canadian-American citizens are to report to one of these death camps right away.

Did I say death camps? I meant happy camps, where you will eat the finest meals, have access to fabulous doctors , and be able to exercise regularly

Meanwhile, the war criminals, Terrance and Phillip are prepped for their execution

Their execution will take place during a fabulous USO show, with special guest celebrities, including Big Gay Al and Winona Ryder.

Of course, the only way to see the USO show is to sign up for the army!

So join the army and kill some Canadian scum, as we continue…"The march of War!" Eat Snacky S'mores.

We must rid ourselves of anything Canadian! Down with Canada!

Dude, don't you like Terrance and Phillip anymore? Course not! My mommy says I hate Canadians now, 'cause they made me have a dirty mouth!

Burn it all!

Hey, dudes. What's the matter, Cartman?

It's this V-chip. I hate it. I can't say any dirty words. Really? So you can't say, "fuck?"

No. And you can't say, "shit?" Nope.

So you can't say, "I'm Eric Cartman, the fattest fucking piece of shit in the world?" Fuck you!

Duhude! Sweet! Come on, you guys. This has gone far enough. It's time we talked to our moms.

We're supposed to be grounded in our rooms. Come on, Kyle. It's time for us to get political.

Canada will no longer corrupt our children!

Mom, can I talk to you for a second? Kyle, what are you doing here? You are grounded! Now get back to the house, and stay there

You too, Stanley! Mom, we think you're going too far. You can't kill Terrance and Phillip.

We must fight for our children's futures! You started a war. You have to stop it. To make them safe again! Hello? Our children are precious!    Hello-o?

We must make a stand now! Stop at nothing!

I told you my mom wouldn't listen. Well then, we're just gonna have to save Terrance and Phillip ourselves!

What?! Think about it, you guys. What would Brian Boitano do?

He'd figure out a way to rescue Terrance and Phillip before they're executed! We can't do anything. Our moms' organization is too strong.

Well then, we'll round up all the grounded kids in town and start our own organization. An organization to help save Terrance and Phillip!

Hey, yeah! Our own secret club. I guess that could work. We have to try!

What would Brian Boitano do If he was here right now? He'd make a plan and he'd follow through. That's what Brian Boitano'd do!

When Brian Boitano was in the Olympics Skating for the gold, He did two Salchows and a triple Lutz While wearing a blindfold!

When Brian Boitano was in the Alps Fighting grizzly bears, He used his magical fire-breath And saved the maidens fair!

So what would Brian Boitano do If he were here today? I'm sure he'd kick an ass or two. That's what Brian Boitano'd do!

I want this V-chip out of me. It has stunted my vocabulary.

And I just want my mom to stop fighting everyone.

For Wendy I'll be an activist, too, 'Cause that's what Brian Boitano'd do!

And what would Brian Boitano do? He'd call all the kids in town.

And tell them to unite for truth. That's what Brian Boitano'd do!

Someone say my name? Who are you?

I'm Brian Dennehy. …What? No, not fuckin' Brian Dennehy!

Dude, get the fuck out of here! Oh. Bye-ee.

When Brian Boitano traveled through time To the year three thousand ten,

He fought the evil Robot King And saved the human race again

And when Brian Boitano built the pyramids He beat up Kublai Khan!

'Cause Brian Boitano doesn't take shit from anybody

, so  Let's call all the kids together And unite to stop our moms.

And we'll save Terrance and Phillip, too, 'Cause that's what Brian Boitano'd do!

Hey, relax, guy! Oh, there's nothing on.

You just get cranky when you're tired, that's all. I'm not cranky.

What started as a spat between The United States and Canada is quickly turning into World War III. World War III?

Shh. Terrance and Phillip are going to be put to death for crimes against humanity. The time of execution has-

It has come to be! The Four Horsemen are drawing nigh! The time of prophecy is upon us!

Aw, I love when you get all biblical, Satan! You know exactly how to turn my crank.

No, I'm being serious. It is the seventh sign. What?

Behold The first signs of my reign have all come true:

the fall of an empire, the coming of a comet

And now, when the blood of these Canadians touches American soil, it will be our time to rise!

Yeah! Yeah! Man, I'm gettin' so hot! Let's fuck!

Do you always think about sex? I'm talkin' about very important stuff here!

Ah, I'm just excited about taking over the world! Come on!

Is sex the only thing that matters to you? I love you.

…I want to believe that. So whaddaya say we shut off that light and get close, huh?…

Yeah, you like that, don't you, bitch?

Okay. We can use my dad's computer to call all the kids together.

Wait. Before we put a message out, do a search on the word, "clitoris." Oh, okay

"Found: eight million pages with the word, 'clitoris.'" wow!!

I'll just try the first one.  "You must be eighteen to enter this website." Okay.

"Welcome to 'German Sick Fetish Video.' If you are under eighteen, do not-" well, okay.

Dude! It's a lady getting pooed on! Whoa! Is it Cartman's mom?

Oh, very funny. Hey! It is Cartman's mom!

Aw, son of a bitch! [bzzzt] Ow!

Get outta here, Ike! You're too young for this stuff! Bull-shitter.

What's he doing, now?

Click it off, dude! Click it off! Dude, what the fuck is wrong with German people?

All right all right. Let's just do what we came here to do and put a message out to kids.

Okay. Let's see, I've gotta put out an all-access e-mail.

God-damn your mom sucks, Cartman. Just get to the message board!

I'm trying. I can't find a Canadian server. I've got to break into the mainframe.

Dammit! They've got an access code. I'll try to re-route the encryptions.

Okay, here we go… "Want to help Terrance & Phillip? Sneak out after you get tucked into bed tonight and meet at Carl's Warehouse."

Tell 'em we'll have punch and pie. We're not gonna have punch and pie!

More people will come if they think we have punch and pie!

"…punch and pie. This is top secret. The password is…" "La Resistance."

…And so, the draft will begin tomorrow, as more and more troops are needed to invade the Canadian border.

The Canadian government pleads for a peaceful resolution, but naturally we're not listening.

Good night, hon. Mom, when is the war gonna be over.

I don't know, hon. Soon, we hope. You want it to end quickly, huh?

Mom? Yes, hon?

If you were in a German scheisse video, y-you'd tell me, right?

Sure, hon. Good night!

AAAH!! Spooky ghooost!! (What's the matter? You can't be afraid of me.)

Kenny?? Is that you?? (Yes. It's Satan! He's coming right now!)

Satan? Satan is coming here? (That's right, and he's gonna bring Saddam Hussein with him!) Saddam Hussein?? That doesn't make sense, Kenny!

(Well, they're both gonna come right here right now!!)

Eric, what is it? I saw him! I saw Kenny!

Oh, you poor dear! You've been through so much.

I bet him he couldn't light a fart on fire, and now he's all pissed off. I can't say "Pissed off?"

The execution of Terrance and Phillip is imminent. Soon, Saddam and I will rule the world!

Hey, Satan. I got some new luggage for our trip up to earth. Let's fuck to celebrate!

What's it like up on earth, Saddam? Tell me about it again. Aw, let's not talk. Let's get busy!

Do you remember when you first got here? We used to talk all night long, until the sun came up.

We would just lie in bed and …talk. Well, yeah, 'cause I was still waitin' to get you in bed, dummy!

How come you always want to make love to me from behind? Is it because you want to pretend I'm somebody else?

Satan, your ass is gigantic and red. Who am I gonna pretend you are? Liza Minelli?

Aw, don't get all pissy.

Sometimes I think When I look up, real high

That there's such a big world up there, I'd like to give it a try

But then I sink, 'Cause it's here I'm s'posed to stay.

But I get so lonely down here; Tell me, why does it have to be that way?

Up there, there's so much room, Where babies burp and flowers bloom.

Everyone dreams; I can dream, too. Up there, up

Where the skies are ocean-blue I could be safe and live without a care, up There.

They say I don't belong (Ooo-oo-oo-oo) I'm staying below, alone.

Because of my beliefs I'm supposed To stay where evil is sown.

But what is evil, anyway? (Haa-aa-a-a) Is there reason to the rhyme?

Without evil there could be no good,  so it must be Good to be evil sometimes.

Up there, there's so much room, (Aaa-aaa) Where babies burp and flowers bloom.

Everyone dreams; I can dream, too. Up there, up

Where the skies are ocean-blue, I could be safe and live without a care,

Without a care, Live without a care.

If I could… If only I could live up ["…live…up…"]

You're late, Cartman! I had to ride my bike here. My behind is killing me.

Your behind? I have to say "behind" 'cause I get shocked if I say, "Ass." [bzzzt] Ow!

Did you bring the punch and pie? No! You guys! Something happened! I don't think Kenny's dead.

What? I saw him in my room.

I know, Cartman, I know. I see Kenny every day. You do?

Sure, dude. On the face of every child. On the smile of every baby. [

Hey! I'm telling you, this was Kenny. He said that if Terrance and Phillip die

Saddam Hussein and Satan are gonna come up and rule the world. Saddam Hussein??

Who is it?! I'm here for La Resistance.

What's the password?! Uh, I don't know.

Guess. Uh, "Bacon." …Okay.

Viva la Resistance! Oh, no, it's that kid!

This is the place. Wendy?

Stan? You started La Resistance?

Well, apparently you're more political than we thought. Let us get this meeting underway; there are many others coming.

Wow! A lot of people showed up.

'Kay, uh, Terrance and Phillip are supposed to be killed, and we think that sucks ass!

Yes? Uh, we were to understand there'd be pie and punch?

There isn't any. Oh!

Uh, Terrance and Phillip are supposed to be killed, so we think we should…prank call a bunch of policemen

! A-and, and have pizzas sent to them that they didn't order! Viva la Resistance!

May I? What??

Terrance and Phillip are currently being held at the Canadian internment camp two kilometers outside of town.

They're to be executed tomorrow, during a star-studded USO show for the troops. Tomorrow?!

Once the show begins, we should have about one hour to get Terrance and Phillip out of their cell

and into this clearing. There we will all rendezvous, and together  take Terrance and Phillip safely back to Canada.

Wow, dude! Wendy's new guy is smart.

You must meet me at the rendezvous point at precisely 10 p.m. Sneaking into the show and breaking out Terrance and Phillip will be the most dangerous part, so I'll go myself.

No! We're going. We started La Resistance, we'll get Terrance and Phillip and meet you at the rendez-vouse point.

This… will be very dangerous. Are you quite sure? Fuck that!

Cartman, do you want that V-chip in you forever?! We're going. Now, let's run through the plan.

Now, uh, when you shoot somebody, you have to go for somebody wide open, alright?

Oh, boy! Military action, Ned. Let's kill us some God-damned Australians!

Mmm-I think we're fighting Canadians. Canadians, Australians, what's the difference?

Yeah! This uniform makes me feel like a tough, brute man, Mr. Hat.

It sure does, Mr. Garrison!

Oh, boy. I can't wait for our first shore leave, so I can get me some fuckin' poontang.

Pay attention! Tomorrow night is the USO show, for all you troops.

There will be celebrities, followed by the execution of Terrance and Phillip. Yeah! Woo!

After the show, we will finally be sending ground troops into Canada. So let's strategize! Map!

Our sources have told us that the Canadians are preparing for our invasion, so we must use caution.

Each battalion has a specific code name and mission. Battalion 5, raise your hands.

You will be the all-important first attack wave, which we will call, "Operation: Human Shield."

Hey, wait a minute!

Now, keep in mind, "Operation: Human Shield" will suffer heavy losses.

Battalion 14? Right. You are "Operation: Get-Behind-The-Darkies."

You will follow Battalion 5, here And try not to get killed, for God's sake! Are there any questions, men? Yes, soldier?

Have you ever heard of the Emancipation Proclamation?

I don't listen to hip-hop. After that, we will march into the heart of Canada, and we will-

Oh, what's wrong with this thing?

It's fuckin' Windows '98! Get Bill Gates in here

You told us Windows '98 would be faster, and more efficient, with better access to the Internet!

It is faster. Over five million

All right, men! Get lots of rest, and prepare to fight the Canadian scum!

After you have Terrance and Phillip, quietly make your way to this ridge. We will be waiting for you there.

We cannot wait for long. So if you're not there at ten, we will have to leave. Gotcha!

You are indeed brave. But you will need help from someone who's done this sort of thing before. Here's the address of "The Mole."

"The Mole?" He is an expert in covert operations, a mercenary for hire.

Your first task will be obtaining him. Get lots of sleep. Tomorrow, we will all be risking our lives… for freedom.

God has smiled upon you this day. The fate of a nation in your hands

And blessed be the children, we, who fight with all our bravery 'Til only the righteous stand

You see the distant flames, they bellow in the night You fight in all our names for what we know is right.

And when you all get shot and cannot carry on, Though you die, La Resistance lives on!

You may get stabbed in the head with a dagger or a sword. You may be burned to death, or skinned alive, or worse.

But when they torture you, you will not feel the need to run, for, Though you die, La Resistance lives on!

Blame Canada! Blame Canada! Because the country's gone awry! Tomorrow night these freaks will fry!

Tomorrow night. Our lives'll change.

Tomorrow night. We'll be entertained.

An execution! What a sight! Tomorrow night!

Up there, there's so much room, Where babies burp and flowers bloom. Tomorrow night, up there is doomed, And so I will be going soon!

Shut your fucking face, uncle fucka! You're a boner-biting bastard, uncle fucka!

Looks like we may be out of luck. Tomorrow night we're pretty fucked!

Why did our mothers start this war? What the fuck are they fighting for? When did this song become a marathon?

I want to be………… up………………… there! When Canada is dead and gone there'll be no more Celine Dion!

Oh boy, I'm so excited! Just one more day and we can take over the world.  I don't know if I can sleep, if you know what I mean.

This book is really interesting. It talks about how people communicate differently. Like, I communicate by wanting you to ask me questions, and you communicate-

Hey, that is interesting! Let's fuck! Saddam, I'm trying to have a nice conversation with you!

] Heeyy Satan Aw! Now, that is just not appropriate!

Aw, Come on, I'm just fuckin' with you. It's not real.

Oh, well, that's still not appropriate. Hey, it's not real, either. Come on, guy!

(What's wrong?) Oh! Uh, uh…ha ha ha ha! Soon, the world will belong to me!

(No, what's wrong, dude?) It's Saddam. He doesn't nurture my emotions. He just wants sex, and can't learn to communicate.

(Why don't you just fuckin' leave him?) You're right. I should leave him.

I'm just gonna tell him, "Saddam, I'm going to earth to rule alone." I'm strong, and I don't need him! (Good for you!)

Today's the day for the USO show We're so happy we get to go

I don't know, but I've been told Canadian pussy is mighty cold

Ike, you have to stay in the attic. 'cause if they find you, they'll put you in a Canadian concentration camp.

Don't worry, Ike, we're gonna put an end to this. And then I'll make mom come home, and we'll be a family again.

I like baby's home.

'Allo? Hi. We need to speak with "The Mole."

I'm sohry. Ze Mole is grounded. 'E can't come out and play. What?

He's a kid? 'E said very naughty thingz about God.

Oh. Well, can we just talk to him for five seconds, please? Well, all right.  Christophe!

Hi. Uh… we're gonna go rescue Terrance and Phillip from the USO show, and we were just- Shh! Who are you?! Who sent you?!

That Gregory kid! He said you could sneak us in.

Are you telling me that you intend to break into the USO show, filled with thousands of soldiers, and break out Terrance and Phillippe?

…I thought it was a pretty stupid idea, too. We're La Resistance. We wanna save Terrance and Phillip, and stop the war and stuff.

I can't help you. I'm grounded in my room for the next three days. So are we. Our parents think we're home right now. Why are you grounded?

Why? Because God hates me, that's why. He has made my life miserable. So I called him a cocksucking asshole. Then I get grounded.

So will you help us? Very well. Meet me in the back yard in five minutes.

Viva La Resistance! We'll show God that we're not gonna fucking take any more of his- What?! Christophe, get in here! Coming, mother!

I must be strong. I must be strong.

Saddam, I need to talk to you. Ah! You better get packin', bitch. We have to go! We're running out of time!

Saddam, sometimes you can love a person very much, but still know that they aren't right for you.

What the fuck are you talking about?! You treat me like shit, Saddam! I'm leaving you! I'm going up to earth to rule alone!

No! No, you can't do that! I'm sorry. But I have to be strong.

Satan, please. Gimme another chance. I have to go to earth. You don't even have any respect for me.

Ah, sure I do, guy! Hey, just hear me out.

Some people say that I'm a bad guy. They may be right, they may be right.

But it's not as if I don't try. I just fuck up, try as I might.

But I can change, I can change. I can learn to keep my promises, I swear it

I'll open up my heart and I will share it. Any minute now, I will be born again.

Yes, I can change, I can change. I know I've been a dirty little bastard I like to kill, I like to maim. Yes I'm insane, but it's okay 'cause I can change

It's not my fault that I'm so evil. It's society. Society.

You see, my parents were sometimes abusive. And it made a prick of me. But I can change, I can change.

What if you remain a sandy little butthole? Ey, Satan! Don't be such a twit! Mother Teresa won't have shit on me!

Just watch. Just watch me change! Here I go, I'm changing!

You see? I've really matured. Oh, all right. All right!

Come on, we have to hurry. I love ya!

Ladies and gentlemen of the American Army, welcome to the USO show!

Get ready for loads of entertainment and fabulous celebrities, followed immediately by the nasty execution of Terrance and Phillip.

This is the USO show, where those military bitches intend to kill Terrance and Phillippe. Oh my God!

God? He is the biggest bitch of them all!

We have to hurry. We rendez-vouse with the other kids at ten.

You realize that by doing this we could be grounded for two, perhaps even three weeks? We're willing to take that risk.

Then, let's go!

And now, here are your hosts for the evening: Sheila Broflovski, and Big Gay Al.

Al, tonight is a very special night. Do you know why? Ooh-hoo, they're having a sale at Merv's?

No. Because, we're going to abolish Canadian smut. That's right, Sheila! Bring out the condemned!

Today is a great day for democracy!

Oh, Phillip. This is worse than that night I fell asleep and you put your dick in my mouth and took a picture! I know, Terrance, I know.

Well, Sheila, while you're getting set up over there, let's bring out our first act: Yippie the back-flipping dog!

Be careful not to touch this wire. Agh! Mother fucker!

Sheet! The USO show has started. We are running out of time! Do you see Terrance and Phillip?

Yes, but they are heavily guarded. We have to dig from here so as not to be seen. Come on, bitches!

Hey, Mole. Do you know where the clitoris is? Ze what?

The clitoris. I have to find the clitoris so I can get this Wendy girl to like me aga- Hey! You need to stop thinking with your dick!

You have to be on your toes. Because I am not going to be grounded again! Not for you! Not for anybody!

Men, when you're out there in the battlefield, and you're looking into the beady eyes of a Canadian as he charges you with his hockey stick or whatever he has, and people are dying all around you,

just remember what the MPAA says: "Horrific, deplorable violence is okay, as long as people don't say any naughty words." That is what this war is all about!


Okay, we will split up here. Let's synchronize watches. We don't have watches.

You don't have watches? Dude, you didn't say anything about watches!

What do you think this is, kid? TV kiddy hour where we all sit around and lick Barney the dinosaur's fucking pussy? Huh? This is real life, with consequences you take to the grave!

Dude, we don't have watches! Sheet! Did you bring ze mirror?

Got it   And the rope? Check.     And the buttfor? What's a buttfor?

Now listen carefully. I will dig under the stage, and with that bedrock, I will need more time. Stan and Kyle, get near the stage and stall the show, any way you can. Do whatever it takes to keep that show going, until I get ze prisoners.

Okay. Cartman, over zere is the electrical box. You must sneak over there and shut it off before I return with Terrance and Phillippe, or ze alarms will sound, and I will be attacked by guard dogs. Got it?

Okay. You must shut off the alarms! I fucking hate guard dogs!

I heard you the first time, you British piece of shit! If anything goes wrong, make a sound like a dying giraffe.

What's a dying giraffe sound like?

Let's go! Be careful, dude!

Careful? Was my mother careful when she stabbed me in the heart with a clothes hanger while I was still in ze womb?

Damn, dude, that kid is fucked up.

How are those chairs coming, Sheila? Al, we're minutes away!

Super! In the meantime, here's pint-sized pixie and darling of the indie movie scene, Winona Ryder!

Hi, guys! Ye-e-ea.

I'm super-psyched to be here today. What you're doing for our country is so cool! I mean, war, man. Wow. War.

You know? Wow. Okay! And now for your enjoyment, here's my famous ping pong ball trick!

Oh, my!

Shut off ze power, Cartman. Zis is very important, Cartman."

Dude, did you hear what Winona Ryder's doing? Ohh, we can't miss this!

There, I didn't miss one! That's my ping pong ball trick!

Well, that's all the acts we have for you tonight, so let's just get on with the execution!

Oh, no! We have to stall him. More! More! Yeah! More!

Oh, you big sillies! You want to see more of me? Yeah! Big Gay Al! Big Gay Al!

Big Gay Al! Big Gay Al! Well, I do have a little song I wrote about the war.  Oh, but we haven't rehearsed.

Sing it! Yeah! Sing it!

Oh, I can't. Sing the fucking song!

Well, all right. If you insist, I'll sing my song.  I believe it goes a little bit… like this.

Bombs are flying. People are dying.

Children are crying, politicians are lying, too.

Cancer is killing. Texaco's spilling. The whole world's gone to hell, but how are you?

I'm super! Thanks for asking. All things considered, I couldn't be better, I must say!

I'm feeling super. Nah, nothing bugs me! Everything is super when you're- Don't you think I look cute in this hat?

I'm so sorry, Mr. Cripple, But I just can't feel too bad for you right now.

Because I'm feeling so insanely super! …… That even the fact that you can't walk can't bring me down.

He's super! Thanks for asking. All things considered, he couldn't be better, he must say!

I'm super! No, nothing bugs me! Woo!

Everything is super when you're- Don't you think I look cute in this hat? These little pants? This matching tie That I got at Merv's? I'm super!

In the barracks and the trenches as well. Stick 'em up!

Big Gay Al says, "Do ask, do tell!" Skittles! Yes, he's super and he's proud to be fey.

Okay? Everything is super when you're… gay!

When you're gay!

Again! Again!

Who's there? Ey! (Cartman, can you deliver a message for me, please?)

Son of a gun! Heck! (Just tell them that they're coming right now.)

They're coming? (Yes, they're coming, right now! They're coming!)

But our moms won't listen to us! (I'm telling you for the last time: THEY'RE COMING!!)

Okay, everybody.  Just wanna take a minute here to thank all our wonderful sponsors we had tonight on this USO show… He's almost got 'em!

Shh! We are here to rescue you! After I release you, follow me through the tunnel.

You guys! What, Cartman? Kenny! I saw Kenny again!

Did you shut the alarm off, Cartman? Cartman? Whoops.

Oh, shit! Uwa! Uwa!

Hey, did you hear that?  Sounds like a giraffe is dying over there

Ah! Sheet! A spy! Get him!

Sheet! Sheet!

Oh, no!

Come on, Mole, come on!

heet! Sheet! Fucking guard dogs! Sheet! Ze alarms! Zey went off!

Yeah, that was my bad. Sorry.

Hold me; it's… so very cold. Zere is no hope now. You must get out of here. We can't leave without you!

It's okay, I'm done for. No! We can't leave without you. We don't know where the hell we are!

Where is your God when you need him, huh? Where is your beautiful, merciful faggot now?

Here I come, God. Here I come, you fucking rat!

Now the light, she fades, And darkness settles in.

But I will find strength, (Kyle: No, Mole! Hang on.) I will find pride within. (We'll get you home.)

Because although I die, (I can't face my mother.) Our freedom will be won. (Not alone.)

Though I die, La Resistance… lives… On? …Ehh-ahhhh.


Okay, folks, here it is. The moment we've all been waiting for: the execution!

The day is ours!

Super! Oh no, dude, it's happening! We have to tell them about Saddam Hussein and Satan.

No way, dude! My mom can't see me here. Kyle, you have to stand up to your mother. Come on!

Gentlemen, do you have any last woids?

Last words? Let's see. How's aboot, "Get me the fuck out of this chair!" How's that for last words?

All right Anonymous, ready the switch!

Wait! Stanley!   Eric!   Kyle!

Go on, dude, tell her. I… I can't.

You can't kill Terrance and Phillip. If they die, Satan and Saddam Hussein are gonna come take over the world.

Throw the switch, Mr. Garrison! Hey, I'm supposed to be Anonymous.

Goodbye, bastards! No!!!!

The Canadians are attacking! Run for your lives!

Come on, we have to shut off the power! Oh, fuck!

Hey, some fat little kid saved us!

Terrance and Phillip, wait! We have to get you to the rendez-vouse point!

Ned, behind you!

Be not afraid. Oh my God!

Behold my glory! What… are you?

I am the clitoris. The clitoris? I did it! I found the clitoris!

Stan! You must not let Terrance and Phillip's blood be spilled on the ground! Wait. You're supposed to tell me how to get Wendy to like me.

There are more important matters right now.

No way, dude! I've looked all over for you, and now you have to tell me how to get Wendy to like me.

Dude, you just have to have confidence in yourself. Believe in yourself and others will believe in you.

Chicks love confidence. Now go, hurry! The clitoris has spoken.

Stan! Stan, are you okay? I see you've failed in your mission. I should not have sent a boy to do a man's job.

Come on, everyone. We've got precious little time.

Die Canadians, m'kay?

Did you hear that, Terrance? I farted. You did? Just now?

Terrance and Phillip! We have to get you to the rendez-vouse point.

Hey, it's Mr. Garrison! Children… take Mist-Mr. Hat. Please. Get him out of here!

Holy shit! Man, this V-chip is getting all screwy! Take cover in the trench.

All right, men! "Human Shields" up front, then "Operation: Get Behind the Darkies."

Remember "Human Shields": protect our tanks and planes, too!

Holy mother of Jehosephat! Fire on my comm

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留住已经逝去的峥嵘岁月 记住曾经绽现的万种风情 在记忆即将淡漠的时候 来把这些重新回味

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