
ART-the source of creation

张斌团 [闲逸] 2013-03-23 11:17:37 星期六 晴天 查看:115 回复:0 发消息给作者

A fantastic lecture was given to us yesterday.Its name is "the power of images-art and its relationships with thinking,science and innovation",and the lecturer is really great,his got his PhD from Oxford University.His field is therotical art.He gaved us several ideas that impressed me a lot:


I)Many people think that art and sciene have little connection is totally wrong.


Explaination:Art is the source of creation,especially for natural sciences.Many artist were also scientists,and many scientists were also artists.In the angle of history,artists created fundementals of sciences,such as sciences need experiments to prove whether it is right or wrong.and the first person is Leonardo da Vinci(达芬奇).


II)Scientists need artists'ways of thinking.


Explaination:no matter how different that scientist or artists is.Their goals are the same:To persue beautiful things during working.


III)Laterature is part of art,not art is part of laterature.


Explaination:According to the Oxford dictionary.The first meaning of the word "ART" is the use of the imagination to express ideals or feelings,particularly in painting,drawing or sculpture.


VI)Our edcational system is very terrible.


Explaination:Our educational system is limiting us from art,that is to say,to limit our imagination,and making us like a machine.

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