
my four-day tour in luoyang city

魏本有 [柔情] 2013-03-08 15:32:40 星期五 晴天 查看:116 回复:0 发消息给作者

i am back at 3o'clock ,a.m. this morning~

it is a fruitful tour for me~

during all these four days,i took part in the world stamp exhibition,visted the longmen grotto,the garden of the national flower--peony,the white horse temple,the old city of luoyang ~

so many place to vist~

i make friend there too,

so lucky dog,i meet the artists-the great ones there~

Mr.wu jiangnan,who gave me a poem with his signature ~

i cherish this very much~

it is my most preiouse harvest during the trip~

in addition,i enjoyed the luoyang food~

which named "shuixi"~

so speical,but not fitted to some stomaches ~


the whole city is quite clean and the trees all in the eyes~

because of the old capital city with long history~

and the culture is so clourful~

and there are so many precious  view point to visit~

definitely,the way is the tired way to go~

i stayed there for the whole four days~

i took 7hours' train way from wuhan to luoyang ~

and i arrived the xiao lang di hottel  at 3o'clock ,a.m.04.12,2009 ~


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