
i want to stay happy

happyme [开心] 2011-10-23 02:33:56 星期日 晴天 查看:16363 回复:1 发消息给作者
I want to be happy, have been feeling down for some time, the mentality just isn't there. My body is not at its best either. Nothing major though, a little bit cold and a little bit tired. I want to go home for a while. Haven't seen my mom for half a year now, I need strength really to keep me pushing forward. As strong as I try to be, I need some support. I'm feeling a little down and tired now.
Maybe I will try to find if there's any flights home next month or invite mom over, since a flatmate has just moved out and now I have bigger space. And for now just read some motivational books to keep me going on. I ought to take responsibility for my own life, and make good choices that would benefit me along the way. Make myself happy is also one of my own responsibilities. Cheer up and embrace what I have at this moment with an optimistic attitude. Enjoy the day as much as I could, treasure the journey along the way to success.
Yes success is not always easy. There are always set backs and we might need to push through many brick walls. Think of it as a test, a challenge, that I shall gain more self-respect and more self-approve after conquering. If I keep going and keep my head up I might have to suffer for a while, which is nothing comparing to all my life-time, but if I give up this experience would haunt me for all my life. So apparently keep moving forward is a wiser choice.
Keep faith, I can do it! Thanks to the challenges I may grow to a stronger person. I make my own life choices and I live for myself. I cheer for my pleasure. I socialize for my success. I lift my hands to work for my brighter future. I thank for all the opportunities and tests because without them I wouldn't know how much I could endure. I would applaude myself if I could stay positive and not let the challenges beat me down. Remain happy, for my own sake!
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留住已经逝去的峥嵘岁月 记住曾经绽现的万种风情 在记忆即将淡漠的时候 来把这些重新回味

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