

fweqwq [开心] 2011-05-03 22:12:40 星期二 晴天 查看:27922 回复:0 发消息给作者
母亲日盼盼的等待着父亲而等来的是一封离婚协议书和一封信。   信上的内容是说父亲早在几年前因为报道一幢明星绯闻而红遍娱乐圈之后入赘了豪门而现在他的孩子已经出生了所以他根本无暇在照顾我的母亲了而那时母亲的肚子里已经有了我   自从那之后母亲的笑容不见了如果不是因为肚子里面怀着儿或许她根本活不到现在生了儿之后母亲的精神状态在慢慢下降着。淘宝最好的减肥Yao 什么减肥Yao最有效 哪种减肥Yao效果好 The mother date hoped the night hoped but waiting father and so on is a divorce agreement and a letter.because in the letter's content was says the father as early as to report a star scandal several years ago, but the red entertainment world has married into the wife's household afterward the rich and powerful family but his child already was born now, therefore he had no time radically in looked after my mother, but in mother's belly already had my at that time after that mother's SMiling face disappeared, if were not because perhaps inside the belly harbored her not to live the present has lived the son mother's state of mind to drop slowly.
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留住已经逝去的峥嵘岁月 记住曾经绽现的万种风情 在记忆即将淡漠的时候 来把这些重新回味

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