
the suck life

drinkwithin [感伤] 2010-08-28 23:27:36 星期六 阴天 查看:11885 回复:0 发消息给作者

it just like a boring thing,you cant resist it and u need it .it will push you harder and harder if you dont deal with it .but when you take off your jacket ,roll up the sleeves and put your hands to get a post which is a gesture handle one things.

```.it is so suck.

you really dont want to waste your on the things ,but you have to .although that is the sick thing for you.

who and what kick you down in such a horrible situation i asked myself.

i dont know .

maybe that is the fate.

the saddest thing is that you cant do the things you love in a right place.

that is the fate.i just want to do i suppose to do.

the things make nonsense.

and i found that  the running car was going to me face to face and i didnt have any sense  when i ent acrossed  a street.maybe that will be funny.

the city,the job,the people,the colleagues,the vice director,the relatives,the streets,the dorm,the cellphone,the computer,the classmates,the girls,the houses,the price ,the shopping mall,the drunk,the cctv-9, the sun of the daybreak,the certain of the night ,the lonely in the dorm,the basktball```what ever,i hate it ,it break into my dream so many times and i called it nihtmare.

i can sure that nobody will care about one guy in the big international prospective city.

there is a life,i can touch it .

i dont even have a real friend.

the girl i love was lead her life in the city in changsha,i cant change the situation,instead of that ,the environment was lead me to new life style gradually and i can do nothing with powerless.

sometimes,i just thought i will never  find a girl like her.smart goodlooking,sweet,lovely,the perfect woman in the world.


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