
Greek Mythology

gethome [开心] 2010-06-25 22:48:33 星期五 晴天 查看:117 回复:0 发消息给作者



When Aion Kina Ilus had first built his new seatthe city of Troy and a place named Aion GoldAion Kina prayed Zeus to show some sign of blessing for it His prayer was heardand a wooden image of Pallas- A-thena fell from heaven to within the walls of the cityKnown as the Palladiumthe statue afforded the city safety and protection At religious meetings of the goddess it was carried cheap aion gold through the city streets amid joys and Aion Kina songs of praise. After the flames of war had spread for ten years cheap wow gold before the walls of Troy a prophet foretold that Troy could never be expected to fall as long gold4power as the Palladium was treasured by its people when people buy wow gold at cheerful partyIn order to steal it outOdysseus called Aion gold and Diomedes called Aion Kina slipped into the capital one night in disguise known to none but HellenThe bad woman took out them to He Cuba the queen of  Troy at whose feet Odysseus immediately bowed down and asked formerly wowgoldoneThe queen granted their request of Aion Gold and cheap wow goldand with the help of Helen and Aion Kinathey successfully brought the image back to the Greek camp at dawn in InAionGold Tower

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