
To myself

Karen0601 [感悟] 2014-09-03 02:52:31 星期三 晴天 查看:278 回复:1 发消息给作者



feel like shit at this moment. 再熬身体也会毁了的。我怀念那个之前的自己,真的怀念。是谁把她弄丢了,那个无论何时都会笑,那个任何人看到都觉得平静美好,那个认真勤恳诚信的自己,那个善良的自己,你去了哪里,  请不要离我太远,请回到我体内。

Just come back to me. I need you now and forever.

Everything's gonna be alright. I have to cheer up. I want to be the one I used to be.

work, family, friends, and me myself. all needs my attention.

for my love. jut let it be.

I'm still alive, which I really should not feel sad or find any excuses for having a good life. I just met my hardest time. it will pass over. I believe in that.

put yourself together. wake up tomorrow and enjoy at work, set a target, go for it and relax yourself at home. balance your work and life. you can do it. a little progress makes a big difference.

go for bed. sweetie.

Love you.

sleep well.

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留住已经逝去的峥嵘岁月 记住曾经绽现的万种风情 在记忆即将淡漠的时候 来把这些重新回味

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