
Idioms and Expressioins Related to Dating

寇梦飞 [苦涩] 2013-06-05 15:05:03 星期三 晴天 查看:225 回复:0 发消息给作者

Double date: A date on which two couples go out together.(两对男女一起进行的约会)


Dutch treat: To have each person pay his or her own way.(各付各的帐)


Blind date: A date arranged by a third party, for two people who have not met.(经人介绍认识的约会)


To make a pass,to come on to someone: To make sexual advances toward a person,usually a woman, either to flatter her or to take advantage of her.(勾引,向...调情)


To go steady, to go with someone: To date someone on an exclusive basis.(与某人正式确定恋爱关系)


To feed someone a line: To mislead someone, especially to persuade someone to have a sexual relationship(欺骗某人)


To make out: To kiss passionately.(深情地接吻)


To go all the way, to score, to come across: To have sexual intercourse.(发生性关系)


To have an affair: To form a sexual friendship.(有恋情)


To get picked up: To meet someone(usually with sexual intent) without having been formally introduced.(偶然结识)


To be stood up: To have your date fail to appear at the appointed time or even to call to cancel the date.(失约)


To brush someone off: To reject or to show a lack of interest in someone.(不客气地拒绝抛弃某人)


To be seeing someone: To date someone over a period of time but not necessarily exclusively.(与某人有一段交往)


Singles bar:A place where unmarried couples go to meet each other.(单身酒吧)

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