
Love…… Disaster……?

潘伟智 [感悟] 2013-03-26 20:51:15 星期二 晴天 查看:173 回复:0 发消息给作者

这两个词无论文学,音乐还是电影电视里面都是经常联系在一起的。《Love and other disasters》也不例外,不过Luc Besson监制的,年轻导演Alek Keshishian自编自导的这部片子想表达的也许不是和中国式的“红颜祸水”一样。



True love ... is a capitalist conspiracy. A lie concocted by the filme, publishing and music industries, all pushing this thing, this concept that doesn't even exist. Where is it besides songs, books and films?... Everyone is miserable because they're looking for this non-existent "thing" or else they're miserable because they think they've settled for less.

Rule... to only have sex with people you don't love and to only really love people you don't have sex with.... because that way you know you can't really get hurt.

Love isn't always like a lightning bolt. Maybe sometime it's just a choice...a decison to take a chance with somebody. To give to somebody without worrying whether they will give anything back, or if they gonna hurt you or if they really are the one. Maybe ove isn't something that happens to you, maybe it's something you have to choose.

Fantasies of true love....belong...to the work of fiction.

...true love is a process, not an event.


貌似我也像一个老头子那样絮絮叨叨了好久,应该fade out了,fade out into the oblivion. ^_^

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留住已经逝去的峥嵘岁月 记住曾经绽现的万种风情 在记忆即将淡漠的时候 来把这些重新回味

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