

马晶 [深情] 2013-03-22 10:13:01 星期五 晴天 查看:147 回复:0 发消息给作者

This is the VOA special english health report.
For people infected with HIV, the earlier they start treatment the better. And better not just for them. A new study shows that early treatment greatly reduces the risk that for partner of an infected person will also get infected.
HIV is the virous, the causes aids. Dr.Funche is with the united states national institudes of health which paid for the study. "Many studies are been showing that the early is start, the better release for the person infected. This study shows that not only is better for the person was infected, but helps that person prevent transmitting to the person that their sexal partner, had sexal partner."
Researchers Canarts say if the results would be the same, in men who sex with men. Most of the couples in the studies were hertero sexual.
The study took place in Bachiwana, Brizail, India, xx, ...and Zibarbwy. It is involved almost 2000 couples devided into two groups. In one group, the infected men or women began to check a compernation, a three ..drugs immdietly after been found to have HIV. In the other group, the infected partners began drug treatment all of them started to show signs of getting aids.
The reseachers says both groups received equal amounts of HIV related care and conserline. That included information about safe sex practices, free condems and regular HIV testing. The study began in 2005. It was supposed to last untill 2015. But reseachers started early because the results were so clear. Only one case of infection was reported in couples where the infected partner began immidiet treatment.
Dr.Funche says earlier treatment lead to a 96% reduction in the spead of HIV to uninfected partners. "This is powerful bit of evidence that will go into the sinking and formulation of guidelines and of global policy. Global policy by WHO, by xx , by the internation organazations that help to provide  drugs for people in developping world."
The study shows the value in testing and treating HIV. Before a person even feel sick enough to see a doctor. But in many counties, public health budgets are already stranged thing.
In Sobshural in Africa, the area hardest hit by aids. For every person who get treated, to others go untreated. xx drugs supress the viorous. Once people start treatment, they have to continue it daily for the rest of their life.
And the VOA special english health report.

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