

马晶 [苦涩] 2013-03-17 05:22:49 星期日 晴天 查看:97 回复:0 发消息给作者

It's long be known that barksues and other reflits can develop brain damage from repeated lose to the head. Now, a new study is try to found out when that damage begins and how long attacks for same terms to appear. Researcher say could help make  contacts sports safer.
The ongoing proffessional finders bring how study. Follow socalled combats sports. Patipients curretly include 109 boxers and mixed masher artist with average of 29. The auther of the study is Dr.Chals Berlik. He says combats sports have long been linked to degenerative brain disease called cranic, tromanic and safer laupersy, or CTE. "Not really knows how one goes from having repetitive blow to the head, to developping long term brain disease. So how that ..happens."
Berlik is a sosier director of the Clivlon Clinic roval center for brain health. A member of America in Cadamy of Nuology, he says the study focus on three things. "One is to

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