

高虹川 [深情] 2013-03-09 05:26:31 星期六 晴天 查看:85 回复:0 发消息给作者





首先这幅照片是在一个英文博客上发布的,作者起的标题名字是“Why wouldn’t they write that in French then?”(为什么他们不用法语写?)。呵呵的确,为什么不用法语写呢(是中国人都能猜出来:其实是因为这丫不懂法语),另外大家可能知道英语口语中French一词有“脏话”的意思,所以作者的这个题目起得有双关性,有水平。另外评论者也对图片中这句英文中“and”的意思不大明白……是法国人和狗一起,还是说法国人或者狗?

lolcopter:As a french, I can understand the guy doesn’t want french people in his cab. But dogs, seriously. Dogs are cool ! What a retard.

Daniel :What about Frenchmen without dogs? dogs without Frenchmen?

Mr Evilwrench:All us white folks look alike to them, and we all speak English, don’t you know. Right?

Zero :I can only understand a little Chinese but I’m Japanese so I can read many of the kanji. It didn’t look like the translation was correct, but after looking it up in the dictionary I can confirm Kara is correct – it does say no French or dogs can ride.

Aaron Hong:Cue the French Bruce Lee kicking the windshield in…except that the French don’t have a Bruce Lee… but they do have a Spider-man.

The Golden Fox:Well i dont think the driver would have anything agains dogs if they could give him a destination and some freaking MONEY. Belive me dogs does not like to pay for the ride

2:I’m French and I don’t really understand that.Well, the boycott is old and French didn’t really know all the story.
Well, ok for the French but as it was written above, why dogs ?

Andy B:I’ll just open my own cab company and refuse to carry spiders and visigoths.

Al :How many dogs do you know that can read English? There’s no translation for them. This is animal abuse.



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