

Vinson! [感伤] 2008-06-02 04:04:40 星期一 晴天 查看:293 回复:1 发消息给作者

    once there was a pure love in front of me which I had not cherished...I regret so much when lost it.If there would be an other chance for me to get it,I will say to that girl:I love you.
    but i still believe nobody can help me being with you~~~you are so cool~~~~~~~you know when i was a little boy i have alot of dreams
    but now something gonna changed~~~~i've got a chance let it be true~~~except you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing worth doing is completed in my lifetime,if you still keep going like this~~~~~~ok~~~~although i am not a perfect guy~~~but i have to tell you something very important that's: since the first time i saw you, my love for you!and i can't control myself~~~~~ok~~~now who am i to you just choice by you~~~~~~~~~

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