
to my wife

Vinson! [开心] 2008-06-02 04:14:11 星期一 晴天 查看:281 回复:1 发消息给作者

     I love you. Three little words that mean so much, yet seem to say so little. The way I feel about you, I need other words, bigger words, words that don't get used so often.
     I need a word for the heart bursting joy that sets my head spinning whenever I think of you. I need another for the warm ocean of contentment I feel lapping around me when I think of the years we will have together in the future. And another for the determination I feel when I think of you -determination to make you so happy you will be mine forever. And the words for the desire you raise in me.... But the only words I have are "I love you".
    I love you.
    Forever yours,

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