
Lessons We Can Learn

离子 [感悟] 2013-04-14 12:46:01 星期日 晴天 查看:120 回复:0 发消息给作者

* It's not how hard you work, but how smart you work. What good is it to work extremely hard when it
accomplishes little? Working smarter means working on what you can do, and delegating things others
can do.
* We either organize or we agonize. If we can learn to organize then we can become more efficient in
getting things done. This in turn will save us a lot of time and frustration.
* We choose or we lose. If you don't evaluate, you will stagnate. Looking at where we stand is very
important. To move to the next level of leadership we must evaluate our current situation.
* This issue is not "Will my calendar be full?" but "What will fill my calendar?" Success in planning is
about scheduling your priorities, not prioritizing your schedule.
* Will my day be filled by my priorities or by the requests of others? As a leader there are certain things
you can do that others cannot. When you fill your day with completing the requests of others you may
not be able to get done the tasks that only you can do.
* Will I lead or will I react? When we lose control we are no longer acting as a leader, but instead
reacting to the immediate. When we are determined to lead, reacting is not good enough. We need to be
proactive and lead.

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