
Some words should be more appropriate to write in English

安梦京 [深情] 2013-03-11 17:44:22 星期一 晴天 查看:118 回复:0 发消息给作者

Postgraduate entrance examination concluded for a long time,In my life as if only one task: Graduation Design.Dull life, nothing novel.Design graduates, it makes me headaches,  My task is to build websites.It needs to think about streamline algorithm but coding in red tape.For me, that represents a huge challenge, the pressure can be imagined.I began to bubble eight hours a day in the laboratory, and working hard.I know these difficulties for me is just beginning,master study I can not imagine the face of the more elite, I am profoundly aware that I can not stop the pace of progress, otherwise the consequences would be unthinkable.I began preparing for the TOEFL,I know that someday I would go abroad, but this time perhaps a year later, perhaps after three years.I do not know what I can do and what thing is worthwhile to do.I have a lot of very close friends are busy working until exhausted, I feel envious, even more distressed.But I can not provide any help.(Not the end, to be continued)


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