

冷玩 [深情] 2011-10-05 01:09:30 星期三 晴天 查看:18126 回复:0 发消息给作者

2011 10 4 l 
They used so many words, try to make me give up, once i tried to feel the strength from my sould, they would cover it, using insults or car glide along the road. Honestly, I was so disappointed. Uming, u do still remeber how

we walked along the sidewalk? No, you dont. You tried to push me into the hell, kept denying me the request in my head,you brought me so many darkness, you cut my layers into pieces, and my love to you. Honesty, you

werent the best friend of mine, but still, i take you as a part of me. But why, why you have to hurt me? I'm gonna lose me sense, do you know how much damage it is? My body is a part, rotting, and is covered with knives and

cruel, built up by so many strangers. Are we ever friends? How could the blackness be so dark, like i have killed their whole ancestry. How could this world be so no way to be selected, a person's decasire could lead to a

complete catastrophe to another. Are they real gangasters? I want my sunlight back, I want my completion  back, I want to smile at you calmly just like before.They try to cut ever bits of me, without giving any healthy parts

left. All the cousins shouted at me, slit the memories, and i relied on them, for so many years. My dad ditched me, he said i am a domestic animal.

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留住已经逝去的峥嵘岁月 记住曾经绽现的万种风情 在记忆即将淡漠的时候 来把这些重新回味

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