
Experience sharing on email drafting

imspeach [其他] 2011-09-29 02:27:00 星期四 晴天 查看:4721 回复:0 发消息给作者

When drafting an email, it is worthy taking care to ensure that the content thereof are courtesy, professional and bussiness like, such as the word/term and the formality. Always keep in mind that the email, once sent, is usually irreversible. Therefore, it would be better to draft an email with the consideration of following advices/suggestions:
1) Keep the content concise and clear, discard or substitude the word/term that will bring ambiguous meaning or lead to a wrong expression;
2) Better to keep everything to the fact, sometimes, it would be dangerous to speculate, guess, assume, exaggerate or editorialize the fact in question;
3) Take control of your emotions. Rationality is superior to emotionality, and respect does more good than discourtesy;
3) Avoid revealing/leaking the trade secrets or disseminating internally sensitive materials to outside or irrelevant colleagues;
4) Never criticize individuals or their mistakes, but you should point out the mistake you have found and preferably provide a solution to fix the mistake;
5) Never draw unsubstantiated conclusion, especially in areas outside of your experience or responsibility.
At last, before sending out the email, asking yourself again that if you can testify everything written in the email. You should be responsible for every word you have written, because the content of email may possibly cited in news, litigation, or other circumstances as a negative evidence to you.

1. 只发给需要知道的人
2. 别忘记主题和附件
3. 和电话配合使用
4. 要记住写下来的东西是谁都可能看到的,给他人留面子,给自己留退路
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留住已经逝去的峥嵘岁月 记住曾经绽现的万种风情 在记忆即将淡漠的时候 来把这些重新回味

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