
this year on apirl 1

yanyanJasmine [深情] 2017-04-05 10:30:47 星期三 晴天 查看:100 回复:0 发消息给作者

today,i on the television,i seen a movie.....it is about the fortune leave,after,i meet the king of the spain,,,,it is about the cabit.....have sinlientliy on the disneyland ..in shanghai,,,,finaly,i remember,,,when i was a  kinderganrden...i with the family tree...everyyear....i hardly know  my grandmother took me to the window of the world....american...it is the president on Bush......austrilia....why?the fashion ....itlialian..........designer institution.....star

when,therfore..i was a primary student,grandfther went to beijing,,,,,forbiidden city...summer palace....and astill  ......the  king ofacinect

britain,where is the magican???

still  ,a univercity,,,i came to the  denisity........QING  denisity..........and,a motherland will be remember ---there hanve been a wish

....it was--a freshman,,,,,,sofermore,,,junior,,,seinor.....why, on saturday...pizzca.in guangzhou,,,,,there will a dance cencrnt...

tokjo,,,,,,,,a girl  ...truth,,,,flower.happier grewn  evey year,since the spring festival.....

art,artitress,draw,,,physical,,,chemsrtry~~~~~~~~a long history,,,,,since the Germany candy,,,,GERMANY~~~~PARIS

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