

zigilee [其他] 2010-11-30 18:02:25 星期二 晴天 查看:8862 回复:0 发消息给作者

People can communication not only with words,but also,without them.A smile on your face

shows you are happy or friendly.When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions.You shake or nod your head and people know you are saying “no ” or “yes”.

     All of these things are examples of non-verbal language.It’s so powerful that the messages sent can sometimes outweigh verbal language,similar to the Chinese saying”silence is louder than words”.On one hand,non-verbal language can help smooth out and improve the communication;on the other hand,it can be more of a hindrance than a help,due to different cultures’ details in intercultural communication.Therefore,it’s important to be aware of these details and culture rules of non-verbal language to help our interpretation of a message,and also to modify our behavior to fit the cultural situation we’re in.


      这些都是肢体语言表达的例子。有时纸条的作用比口头语言更重要,就像中国有句谚语说的“沉默是金”。一方面,肢体语言能够帮助消除和改善沟通,另一方面,it can be more of a hindrance than a help,(请问这是什么意思),因为不同的文化创造不同的语言。因此,对于我们理解信息来说了解不

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