

张芳 [闲逸] 2013-04-02 12:25:01 星期二 晴天 查看:149 回复:0 发消息给作者



//warning: This is advertisement .





//This is an issue about a taobao shop. You still want to go on?



//OK, the first information is name of the shop,  Accessories House on Mango Street.



//You telling me that you're interested, for you not give up.



//This is a program that tell you how to purchasing goods in our shop



// If you're a programmer, keep you eyes on the left. Left is the way you think.

// If not, keep you eyes right. There is nothing left.

// 如果您不懂编程,请看“//”右边的内容


Mango_Buy(char gender){                                                     //欢迎光临芒果街

 switch (gender){                                             

    case "male":                                                                    //如果您是位男士,您是为谁而来?    

       if (for yourself||for your gang

        click here|here|here;                              //为你自己和你的哥们,请走男人通道 here|here|here|

       else if(for your girl

        click here|here|here|here|here;       //为了你的爱人,请走好男人通道here|here|here|here|here

       else if(for your female friends

        click here;                                                //为了你的异性朋友,亲人,请走亲情通道here

       else                    //若是为了你的男伴而来,请把钱省下来养老吧,你不可能以爱的名义获得一个孩子养你

        printf("Save your money/n");    


    case "female":                                                                 //如果你是位女士,您是为谁而来?

       if(for yourself)

        click here|here|here;                                     //为你自己而来,请走女士通道here|here|here

       else if(you want to treat yourself)

        click here|here|here|here          //想对自己好一点,请走好男人通道here|here|here|here,这种事应该男人来做

       else if(for your boy)

        click here;                                           //为你的爱人,请走情侣通道here

       else if(for your friends)

        click here;                                             //为了你的闺密或亲人,请走亲情通道here,她们会喜欢的,相信我,

       else printf("Sorry sweety, There is nothing for pet/n");     //如果以上都不算,对不起宝贝儿,就当来玩儿





                                                    版权所有@ 芒果街上的饰品小屋 


//如果你该看的都看完了,觉得我们小屋还不错,请 “点击收藏”


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留住已经逝去的峥嵘岁月 记住曾经绽现的万种风情 在记忆即将淡漠的时候 来把这些重新回味

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