

刘晓轩 [甜蜜] 2013-03-17 14:42:29 星期日 晴天 查看:111 回复:0 发消息给作者


1. Put Your iTunes on Shuffle. (打开你的itunes随机模式或者MP3播放列表之类的)

2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer. (点“下一首”来获得每个问题的答案)

3. You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds! (你必须写下那首歌的名字无论看起来有多傻)

4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name. (在歌名后面的括号里写下评论)

5. Tag 12 friends. (点12个朋友

6. Anyone tagged has to do the same, because fun pointlessness spreads like a virus. (所有被点的必须做同样的事,因为大家的快乐会像病毒一样传播开来!…)


My answers: (我的答案:)

1. If someone says, “Is this okay?” you say:


 残酷月光        没什么关系好像


2. How would you describe yourself?


 I've never been tonbsp;menbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; Sometimes I've been to crying for unborn children
                                     that might have made me complete
                                     But I, I took the sweet life
                                     And never knew I'd be bitter from the sweet


3. What do you like in a guy/girl?


You took my heart away       Someone who took my heart away~


4. How do you feel today?


一秒的天堂     还不错吧~


5. What is your life’s purpose?


小手拉大手    最温暖的爱最简单的幸福~


 6. What is your motto?


 如果没有你       如果没有你没有过去 我不会有伤心


7. What do your friends think of you?


 一个人      我还比较满意……


 8. What do you think of your parents?


 我的爱      当然是我的爱~大爱!!!


9. What do you think about very often?


 倒带         似乎是比较恋旧……但是不用倒了……


10. What do you think of your best friend?


这该死的爱      汗~


11. What do you think of the person you like?


亲爱的那不是爱情     郁闷了,那能是什么啊……


 12. What is your Life Story?


女人们的咖啡       大概意思是说有男人还不如和好朋友聊天喝咖啡有趣……


13. What do you want to be when you grow up?

(你长大后想成为什么? )

不是真的爱我       要不要这么惨……怎么了今天是……


14. What is your hobby/interest?


 爱我还是他          为什么这么纠结,就不能好点么……


 15. What is your biggest fear?


 寂寞边界         缺乏安全感,害怕孤单~


 16. What is your biggest secret?


 没那么爱他      我一世英名毁在了一张播放列表里……


 17. What do you think of when you see the person you like?


 Let's Start From Herenbsp;这已经算是最符合的答案了吧~


18. What will you dance to at your wedding?


 阳光下的星星       有点悲,但还蛮好听~


19. What will they play at your funeral?


 伤城          哇~一个城市的悲伤啊~


 20. What do you think of your friends?


How Can I Tell Her      有什么说什么吧还是……对朋友应该无限真诚的说


21. What will you post this as?


对的人        答到对的歌真不容易啊……




顶一下(33 写日记 1222033 234368



留住已经逝去的峥嵘岁月 记住曾经绽现的万种风情 在记忆即将淡漠的时候 来把这些重新回味

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