
Mind's flying back here~~《the social network》~~

兔子@涂 [开心] 2013-03-16 19:40:39 星期六 晴天 查看:124 回复:0 发消息给作者



实在大爱最开始那一段对白~~年轻的时候都是跳跃的思维跳跃的对话~~虽然宅男有点可悲,但是一旦激情释放,wow~~毁天灭地般~~500 Million Friends~~



You know there are more people with genius IQ living in China

than they're people of any kind living in United States.

That can't be possible be true.

That is.

What would account for that?

First, awful lot people living in China.

But, here's my question.

How do you distinguish yourself than

population of people who all got 1600 under SAT's?

- I didn't know they take SAT's in China. - They don't.

I wasn't talkin' about China anymore. I was talkin' about me.

You got 1600?

Yes. I can sing in a Capella group, but I can't sing.

Does that mean you actually got nothing wrong?

I could row crew or invent a 25 dollar PC.

- Or you get into the "Final Club"? - Or I get into the "Final Club".

You know, from a woman's perspective...

Sometimes, not singing in a Capella group is a good thing.

This is serious.

On the other hand, I do like guys who row crew.

Well, I can't do that.

I was kidding.

Yes, I got nothing wrong in test.

Have you ever tried?

I'm trying right now.

To row crew?

Gettin' into "Final Club". To row crew? No! Are you like... whatever, delusional?

Maybe, sometimes you said 2 things at once,

I'm not sure which one I suppose to be aiming at...

But you seen guys who row crew, right?


Ok, well, they bigger than me. They world class athlete.

Like a second ago you said you like guys who row crew.

So I assumed you've met one.

I guess, I just meant like the idea of it, you know the way a girl likes cowboys.


Should we get something to eat?

Would you like to talk about something else?

No, it just that since the beginning of the conversation about the "Finals Club"

I think I may have miss a birthday.

There are really more people in China with genius IQ's than entire...

"Phoenix" is the most diverse. The "Fry Club", Roosevelt punched the porc.

Which one?

"The Porcellian, the Porc, it's the best of the best"

Which Roosevelt?


Is it true they send a bus around to pick up the girls?

Who wanna party with next phoenix chairman.

So you can see why it's so important to get in.

Well, which is the easiest to get into?

Why would you ask me that?

I was just asking.

None of them. That's the point.

My friend, Eduardo made $300.000 betting oil futures one summer.

And Eduardo won't comes close to get in. The ability to make money doesn't impress anybody around here.

Must be nice. He made $300.000 in a summer.

He likes meteorology.

You said it was oil futures.

You can read the weather, you can predict the price of heating oil.

I think you ask me that because you think the "Final Club" that's easiest to get into

Is the one, where I'll have the best chance...


You ask me which one is the easiest to get into

Because you think that the one, where I have the best chance.

The one that the easiest is to get into,

Would be the one where anybody has the best chance.

You didn't ask me which one was the best one.

You ask me which one was the easiest one.

I was honestly just asking, ok...

I was just asking to ask... Mark, I'm not speaking in code.


You obsesses with "Finals Clubs"

You have "Finals Clubs"- OCD

You need to see someone about it.

who'll prescribe you some sort of medication

You don't care if the side effect may include blindness.

"Final Clubs" not "Finals Clubs"

And there's a difference between being obsessed than being motivated.

Yes, there is.

Well, you do that, it's was cryptic, so you do speaking code.

I didn't mean to be cryptic.

I'm just saying I need to do something substantial in order to get the attention of the club.


Because they're exclusive and fun.

And they lead to the better life.

Teddy Roosevelt didn't get elected for the president

because he was member from "Phoenix" Club?

He was a member of The Porcellian, and yes he did.

Why don't you just concentrate on being the best you, you can be.

Did you really just said that?

I was kidding.

I wanna try to be straight forward

You might wanna be a little more supportive.

If I get in I will be taking you to the events

and the gatherings and will be meeting a lot of people you won't normally get to meet.

You would do that for me?

We're dating.

Ok, well I wanna try and be straight forward even let you know that we're not anymore.

What you mean?

We're not dating anymore. I'm sorry.

This is a joke?

No, it's not.

You're breaking up with me?

You gonna introduce me the people I wouldn't normally have the chance to meet.

What the f...

- What is that supposed to mean? - Wait, settle down.

What is it supposed to mean?

Erica, the reason we're able to sit and drink right now,

because you used to sleep with the door guy.

"The door guy" his name is Bobby.

I have not slept with "the door guy".

"The door guy" is a friend of mine.

And he's the perfectly good class of people.

And what part of Long Island you from? Wimbledon?

- Wait - I'm going back to my dormy.

- Wait, wait is this real? - Yes.

Ok, than wait, I apologize, ok...

- I have to go study. - Erika...

- Yes? - I'm sorry, I meant it.

I appreciate that but I have to go study.

Come on. You don't have to study.

You don't have to study. Let just talk.

- I can't - Why?

Because it is exhausting. Dating you is like dating a stairmaster.

All I meant is that you not likely to...

Currently, I wasn't making a comment on you're parents.

I was saying that you go to B.U. *Boston University*

I was studying a fact. That's all.

If it's seem rude, than of course I've to apologize.

I have to go study.

You don't have to study.

Why you keep saying that I don't need to study.

Because you go to B.U.

Wanna get some food?

I'm sorry you're not sufficiently impressed with my educations.

I'm sorry, I don't have a row boat.

- So we're even. - I think we should just be friend.

I don't want friends.

I was just being polite. I have no intention of being friends with you...

I'm under some pressure right now from my OS class.

If could just order some food. I think we should...

Look, you will probably going to be very successful computer person.

You gonna go thru life thinking that girls don't like you,

Because you're a nerd...

I want you know, from the bottom of my heart that won't be true.

It would be because you are an asshole.

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