
English riddles(脑筋急转弯)

孙慧敏 [甜蜜] 2013-03-16 00:23:31 星期六 晴天 查看:136 回复:0 发消息给作者

1 Where does the afternoon come before morning?
2 Who is closer to you, your mom or your father?
3 If a cabbage and a carrot raced, which one would win?
4 Why is the bride unhappy on her wedding day?
5 What will break once you say it?
6 What kind of clothes lasts the longest?
7 What has four wheels and flies?
8 What’s even harder to catch if you run faster?
9 Why does time fly?
10 Why do you think doctors are mean?
11 Why are Sunday and Saturday the strongest days in the week?
12 Why are watches fragile?
13 What’s the most difficult train to catch?
14 What trees do fortune teller like to look at ?
15 What bird lifts heavy things?
16 Why do people go to bed?
17 What makes opening piano so hard?
18 What two words contain thousands of letters?
19 What sense do you lose when you are sick?
20 Why are young men unwilling to date the daughters of The Fortunes?
21 What has nothing but a head and a tail?
22 If you stand with your back to the north and face south, what would be on your left hand?
23 What do you still keep after giving to someone else?
24 Who is married to the First Lady?
25 How do we know ocean is friendly?
26 Why didn’t the baseball catcher meet Cinderella?
27 What has three hands but only one face?
28 Which can move faster, heat or cold?
29 Who always drives his customers away?
30 What’s the smallest bridge in the world?
31 Why is an empty matchbox is the best thing to have in the world?
32 Why is the library the highest building?
33 Why did the skeleton refuse to go to the ball?
34 What is the longest world in the English language?
35 What surprising things happen everywhere everyday?
1 In the dictionary.
2 Of course is mom because dad is father (farther).
3 The cabbage is always ahead (a head of cabbage).
4 Because she can not marry the best man.
5 Silence.
6 Underclothes, because they could nerve be worn out.
7 The garbage truck ( always has a lot of flies ).
8 Your breath.
9 Because it want escape from those people who want to kill him.
10 Because when the doctor treats me, I have to pay the bill.
11 Because the other days are week (weak)days.
12 Because their hours are numbered.
13 The 12:50 train, because it’s ten to one to catch.
14 Palms.
15 Crane.
16 Because the bed does not come to us.
17 The keys are inside.
18 Post Office.
19 The sense of touch. (you do not feel well when you sick)
20 They are Miss Fortune. (misfortune)
21 Coin.
22 Fingers.
23 Your words.
24 Aldm is married to the first lady.
25 It waves.
26 He missed the ball.
27 The clock.
28 Heat, you can catch a cold.
29 Taxi drivers.
30 The bridge of a nose.
31 It is matchless.
32 It has the most stories.
33 It has no body (nobody) to dance with.
34 Smile (it has a mile).
35 The morning breaks without fall, the night falls but haven’t broken.
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