
susanmiller 12月巨蟹运势 (纯英文)

张开轶 Kylin [闲逸] 2013-03-11 16:15:02 星期一 晴天 查看:135 回复:0 发消息给作者

By Susan Miller

      This will be a hardworking month at the office, with many tasks to take care of on time. Meeting those near-impossible deadlines won't be easy. There appears to be a seasonal element to your job, so perhaps you work in the retail, hospitality, or restaurant business where customers will need to be served quickly for the holiday.

       At times you may wonder if you will have the time and energy to enjoy the holidays yourself, and happily, the answer is yes. You won't see this to be true until late in the month, but the important part is that your time WILL come, and when it does, it will prove to be quite romantic fun. Hold on to that thought - we will get to that in a moment. 

   First we need to discuss a difficult full moon, December 12. It's a bit of a monster and will cause problems for everyone, so be comforted in the knowledge you won't be singled out. In fact, this full moon will be in Gemini, so you will not be the subject of what happens, but more likely on the sidelines, watching, and perhaps called on to help others. Co-workers will probably be cranky and easily provoked near this full moon, so you may need to pitch in to help them as best you can. Everyone in the department will be feeling overwhelmed and overworked. Since this full moon occurs when everyone in the department has been working at full throttle for weeks, it will be understandable that the team will be a bit worn out. You will begin to see tension in the air as early as December 10 and it will linger as long as December 15. Something will need to be rushed or corrected and since Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, the Sun, and full moon will be all clashing with one another, everyone's nerves will be on edge. 

   The time from December 10 to 12 would not be the time to sign a contract. Wait until your best moment to sign, December 26, when Mercury and Saturn will be beautifully angled, especially in the very early hours. 

   Protect your health at midmonth too, as you may notice you are running down at this time. You'll want to stay strong and in the best shape. Alternatively, you may hear of a friend or relative who is in the hospital, and if so, you'll want to drop everything in the evening after work and bring flowers and cheer. This all says you had better get your holiday shopping done early so that you don't have that too on your schedule - get everything done early in the month!

   Difficulties with travel may come up at midmonth too, so take all steps to be sure that your car is well maintained and that driving directions are accurate. If you will be flying instead, call the airport the day before you are set to leave to make sure weather problems are not due to cause excessive delays. If you can avoid travel from December 10-15, you may be all the better for it.

   Now, let's talk about when the fun starts!

      You will notice an immediate let up on your heavy work load once you get to December 21 onward, the date that the Sun will move into Capricorn. One week later, once the new moon appears on December 27, you'll enjoy an even greater sense of ease. So as you see, you will have time to enjoy yourself, and once it begins, your good times will run happily into January too, giving you a long stretch of fun times and relaxation. Let's get specific.  

      Actually, when it comes to romance, if you have been seriously dating someone, or if you are in an established alliance, you may have a banner month - one you remember forever. You will have no less than SIX heavenly bodies lighting your relationship sector, which is more than half the solar system in one part of the chart!

      There are several ways this glorious and exceedingly rare cosmic aspect will manifest beautifully in your life. If you are single, dating awhile, and in love, it seems your partner feels the same way about you and is ready to commit, even if you both have never voiced this thought to one another. This could turn out to be a dazzling holiday season for you!

   A very romantic proposal may be planned or come up for dating and in-love Cancers, and if so, on or just after the new moon, December 27, possibly in time to celebrate for New Year's Eve. It would be best to move ahead with plans if you know you want to marry - once these brilliant aspects depart, nothing even similar will return until 2019. You have, very simply, the most important moment of the decade to make your choice and profess your love.

   If you are already married, then this month your partner may have big and happy news to share, and if so, you would benefit from his or her good fortune.

   If you are not attached in any way to a partner, this energy may help you in a commercial way, to find a new agent or publicist, or to sign a business partner, for example. If so, again, this would happen on or just after December 27. With Saturn in a supportive position, any new union you would create at the time would be quite stable, forever more.

   Certain days this month may prove special for your social life. On December 1, Venus and Jupiter will conjoin. You may be invited to a beautiful party or other gathering on this day, and if so, it will be luxurious and very special. You should go. If thinking of joining a club or charity effort, send in your application or accept a post on a committee. If you are attached, your partner may pop the question in time for you to become engaged for Christmas or New Year's - it's due to be a gorgeous day!

   On December 22, when the Sun and Pluto will be aligned in exact conjunction, you may choose to unite with another person then too, whether in business or personally. Pluto is a financial planet, so this day would be great for forming a business partnership, or for hiring an agent, but even a personal union, such as an engagement, would be blessed, and the marriage you are planning would prosper.  

   Another way to use this day - December 22 - would be to circulate at a party if you are single, for it's a fine day to meet someone new. Pluto rules your house of true new love, so look your best and go out and circulate! See what the world has to offer you! 

   As mentioned earlier, December 26 would be an ideal day for signing a contact, but it would also be a sweet and stable day for getting your marriage license. Exciting!

      December 27 will be one of the most important dates of the month for you, for that's the day of the new moon in your marriage house. That new moon will be flanked by the Sun, Jupiter, Pluto, Mars, and Mercury - all huge artillery - and all will be in a very warm and friendly position to help you. If you want a commitment from your beloved, I feel if this display of planetary energy doesn't do it, nothing will! 

   Seriously, the very end of the year should be a really exciting time for you! Remember, a new moon is not just "a day" but heralds the opening of a portal that lasts many days to follow. Within two weeks your plans should fall into place. The earlier days of the month will lead you to this moment. After this date, the decisions you make and the actions you take in the days that follow could change your life forever. 

   On New Year's Eve, December 31, the universe will send you its most fragrant bouquet, one of the most glorious days of the year, especially for attached couples who are ready to commit or are already are in an established union. It will mark a perfect time to celebrate your love for each other in a meaningful way. What a way to welcome 2009!


   Life has not been entirely easy for you, dear Cancer. If you are working, you may feel that you've not had a promotion in such a long time - you feel like you'll grow old and gray at your desk before one turns up. If you aren't working, you may feel that you don't fit in anywhere, but that's not true - of course you do.

   Everyone, of every age, has something special to contribute. Often our talents are obvious to all but not to ourselves because we assume that whatever we're good at doing is fairly common to all. That's almost never true! This month, a big clue will be to look for a partner or intermediary to help you get ahead. With Jupiter, the new moon, Sun, Mercury, and Pluto all moving through your seventh house of partners and middlemen, you can get a jump on a better job. Choose an advisor, headhunter, lawyer, or coach - someone - to help you.

   Mars in your day-to-day work sector also suggests that you can get part time work too, if you look for it. Freelance jobs and extra business, if you are self-employed, should be plentiful, but you will need to be proactive, not passive, about finding it. Grab that plum on the tree, because it has your name on it.         Romantically, this month favors those attached. If you have been dating someone seriously, this New Year's Eve could turn out to be truly unforgettable when you get, or give, a marriage proposal. No one is quite as romantic as a Cancer, so you're sure to remember forever what happens this holiday season. The two of you seem made for each other.

      Married or in a very established relationship? Your love will deepen this month. You deserve a night out with the one you love, so arrange something special this year. I won't always suggest you go out on the town, but this year I will because it surely would be one for the record books. I know you usually like to stay home and avoid crowds, but this time, accept that party invitation or make a reservation in that new romantic bistro with a roaring fireplace. Your "other half" seems to have a great idea of what to do, so just follow in line - you'll love the results. 

   The full moon of December 12 will be a tough one - full of emotion - because the moon will not get along with Saturn, Uranus, the Sun and Mars. The moon rules your sign, so you need to expect some difficulties on or within three days of December 12. I am very sorry to have to report this news. It may help to know that everyone will be in the same boat, riding the same turbulent waves. Actually, the mutable signs will be more prone to problems than your sign, and those include Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, and Pisces.

   One result may be that you hear of someone in the hospital or that you will decide to check yourself into a hospital to have a procedure you need. If the latter proves true, the full moon will have brought you to the hospital to get care, and that's always very good. Something completely unexpected seems to come up, something you had not figured on. Things tend to come to a culmination at a full moon and are often very quickly resolved. Keep yourself very strong and healthy all month in any case - that's always a good idea at holiday time, as much will be going on. Another way this may work out is that others may be depending on you to help them, in which case, staying strong will also be important.

   If you read my forecast last month, you already know that I suggest that you shop very early in December for gifts. Get everything off your schedule in advance of the full moon, for if you are overburdened with tasks, you'll feel overwhelmed. This month there is a real danger of running out of time to get everything done, and I have never said anything like that before. Be an early bird with wrapping and shipping your gifts, and in decorating your house for the holidays (if you plan to do so). You will be so glad you were organized and planned ahead.

      Next year brings the promise of appreciably more money, a subject we will get into next month. In the meantime, treat yourself to one glorious night to welcome in the New Year, dear Cancer. The fire that will burn in your heart that night will chase away any cold winds that might be blowing your way. We all need a night of pure bliss - this one has all the makings of being yours.

      Happy New Year!

  Dates to watch for December:

  A night out with friends will be truly outstanding when Venus and Jupiter will align on December 1. Use this day too to join clubs

      Your workload at the office will be very heavy: December 1-21.

      Protect your health near the full moon when you are likely to be wearing yourself thin: December 12-15

  Ask a co-worker if she or he needs help at the full moon: December 12.

  One of the most important new moon periods of the decade to open a path for marriage or a business partnership or collaboration, with great results almost ensured: December 27.

   A memorable, romantic day for those coupled up: December 31.

  Single? You may have met someone last month, but if not, December 22 could bring an intriguing meeting.

  Your most romantic evenings: December 1 (a gathering or party), and December 13 (the moon in Cancer will give you the edge). Add December 22 for singles. December 24 will be a day chockfull of the right kind of surprises. 

   December 26: a day to make a promise, in business or concerning a personal problem.

   December 27: the new moon, which will open a whole new path toward committed love in the two weeks that follow - it you are ready, don't linger.

   Last but not least, December 31: one of the most sterling days of the month for celebrating your feelings for a very significant person in your life. You'll feel cherished and adored, thanks to a meeting if Mercury and Jupiter - rightly so!

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