
first day in nottingham

范雪 [随感] 2013-03-07 03:48:15 星期四 晴天 查看:75 回复:0 发消息给作者

It's my first day in nottingham. Feeling so frustrated. I cannot understand their words, like a fool! They speak so fluently, which makes me hard to get all the words and the exactly meaning. I am now in the school computer room. I can't log on the msn or QQ. And in the room the school provided us for the welcome week, I can't dail chinese phone numbers too! So I just leave my messages here. Hoping my dear u don't worrying about me!:)

Don't forget to send me messages,haha. I can't type Chinese charactors

but I can see it, and it's amazing that I can open Chinese web-site so quick!

Talk to u later.

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上一篇:she is...下一篇:送走柜子时的胡思乱想



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