

季沫璃 [甜蜜] 2012-05-08 12:03:06 星期二 阴天 查看:41937 回复:2 发消息给作者

Maybe one day we will complain,

Maybe one day we will make mistakes,

Maybe one day we will ignore the promise today,

Maybe one day we will fight,


We make a promise,

Approximately good even quarrel also can not ignore each other,

Approximately good even if the quarrel to also can not follow behind me

Approximately good even quarrel and you care about me,

Approximately good even if the quarrel to also can not say that breaking up,

Approximately good even if the fight can not give up each other

If one day, we not in willful disregard everything,

If one day, we do not require all stick together,

If one day, we looked at each other in a silly smile,

If one day, we used to blame each other ...

Please don't say" goodbye, I wish you happiness!"

Because of this day should say" marry me, let me look after you for a lifetime

顶一下(586 写日记 1088478 211269



留住已经逝去的峥嵘岁月 记住曾经绽现的万种风情 在记忆即将淡漠的时候 来把这些重新回味

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