
A Perfect Indian(一首伤感唯美的英文歌)

我爱你、至死不渝 [沧桑] 2012-04-16 14:19:07 星期一 查看:43850 回复:0 发消息给作者
A Perfect Indian
歌手:Sinead O 专辑:universal mother A Perfect Indian
A Perfect Indian is he他就是那个英俊的印地安人
Remembering him life is sweet他让我的生命变得美好
Like a weeping willow像那轻舞的垂柳
His face on my pillow枕边浮现他的脸庞
Comes to me still in my dreams梦里出现他的样子
And there I saw a young baby那里,有一个女子
A beautiful daughter was she那么美丽的女子就是她
A face from a painting有着油画中的面容
Red cheeks and teeth aching红润的脸颊,带着一丝牙疼
Her eyes like a wild Irish sea双眸好似宽阔的爱尔兰海
On a table in her yellow dress着一袭黄裙坐在桌边
For a photograph feigned happiness佯装快乐地照一张相
Why in my life is that the only time我的生命里
That any of you will smile at me为何唯有这次你才对我微笑
I'm sailing on this terrible ocean在这片悲伤的海洋里,我徜徉
I've come for my self to retrieve为了找寻我自己
Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children那个很久以来都像是里尔孩子的自己
And there's only one way to be free只有那样我才能做回自己
He's shy and he speaks quietly他羞怯,他总是低声细语
He's gentle and he seems to me他温文而雅
Like the elf-arrow对我却像一把精灵的箭矢
His face worn and harrowed看到他的脸憔悴忧愁
Is he a daydreamer like me我却梦寐以求
I'm sailing on this terrible ocean在这片悲伤的海洋里,我徜徉
I've come for my self to retrieve为了找寻我自己
Too long have I been feeling like Lir's children那个很久以来都像是里尔孩子的自己
And there's only one way to be free只有那样我才能做回自己利记娱乐场www.juexiang.com 云博娱乐城www.juexiang.com 立即博娱乐城www.juexiang.com凯旋门娱乐场www.juexiang.com伟易博娱乐城www.juexiang.com金宝博www.juexiang.com
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