
我不能选择的 父母

betterT [感伤] 2011-12-25 18:04:46 星期日 晴天 查看:1335 回复:1 发消息给作者
  I don't know what to say about my parents. They've been quarreled since I started to have memory. My dad yields at my mum like crazy, extremely loud and rudely, EVERYDAY.Indeed my mum is not smart, and sometimes I will be frustrated by her silly words or behavior(I du know whether i get a bad temper from my father..). But I CAN'T, even trying my best, to bear my dad's rude and dirty words. He's so mean, he has no friend, his brothers and sisters just treat him like a money box. I am 100% sure if he was not my father, I would not say even a word to him. He can yield at my mother in front my all kinds of people, known or unknown. I don't wanna go out with him at all. He makes me lose face and even some of his colleges want only me to hang out without telling him.  What choice do i have? I cannot change my parents. It's them hat makes me who I am now. Shit!!!!
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