
How can i sell my car

elseyliu [开心] 2011-11-16 14:25:12 星期三 晴天 查看:12306 回复:1 发消息给作者

The foreigner who wants to sell the car always face some difficult, they can not get a good price on the car, they will lose a lot money on selling car. Because they don't know how much the car worth on the market.

Car Solution is a professional car service company for foreigners in Beijing. We mainly offer car service for the foreingers from embassies and foreign companies in Beijing.

We can offer free door to door estimate on scond hand car and purchase you old car by a good offer.

If you want to sell the car, please visit our websit: www.juexiang.com

or contact with us by

tel: 13911013530

email: bcs.general@hotmail.com


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